
Working to find a new course -NADGT Exclusive - Reidy Creek Golf Course

Singles tournament · Sat, Aug 1, 2020Aug 2020 · Escondido, CA

This tournament has been canceled.
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Aaron Van Matre Kit Carson??? Jun 30, 2020
Matthew Goeller Jun 30, 2020 only if its the D-Boe layout otherwise not difficult enough. Brengle would be better or depending on the amount of rounds they can do multiple courses. Like Morley, Kit then end at Brengle
Aaron Van Matre Jul 4, 2020 multiple courses is a cool idea
Matthew Goeller Is this going to happen still? Jun 23, 2020
Cyndi Hurzeler Do we know if this event is going to happen and when we can register if it does happen? Jun 21, 2020
David McIver If this tour does not offer MA60 & 70 it will get no entries from us older players that would REALLY like to enter (donations to 50 year olds gets old fast!). Jun 16, 2020
Mark Hauser Jun 29, 2020 I like to beat them down, give them hope for when they get older!
Kolte Breck The TD has yet to finalize this event, so refunds have been processed for now. Sorry for the misunderstanding. May 16, 2020
Brentt Dellek Jun 1, 2020 I received an email yesterday stating that registration opens at 8:00 pm. Can you confirm this?
John Chrostowski Is this event not happening? Mar 2, 2020
Junior Neri Mar 11, 2020 Seems like it is?? They updated the event schedule and rules and what not. I'm sure registration will open in the next month or so, it's still early.
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