Cherryland's #2 NADGT Exclusive - Camp Taloali
PDGA B-tier · Sun, Jul 5, 2020Jul 2020 · Stayton, OR
course is looking amazing! Be sure to Thank Steve Moore if you happen to see him tomorrow!
We will also have a "Donation Jar" by Hole 1 that will go directly to Mr. Moore to show our appreciation!
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Jul 4, 2020
I'd like to say thank you to all the player's that came out to Cherryland's #2 NADGT Exclusive - Camp Taloali event yesterday and for the generous donation can given to me today for my work on course, ...
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Jul 6, 2020

Really, really loved the course layout! It was nice to meet you, even though we didn't properly intr ...
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If I missed or messed something up please let me know Jul 2, 2020
Going to have them separated by Hole #s and ready for pickup by 830am sunday Jul 1, 2020

Tentative Layout: (we are switching pads on 1, 2 and 10 between rounds and we will NOT be using 4's Short Pad either round)
This will be 1st Round Layout:
1. Right Pad to Long
2. Left Pad to Long
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Jun 29, 2020

Campsites are $20 a night, and cabins are $80 a night.
Please have those interested contact at [email redacted]. Jun 23, 2020

Looks like this will fill up therfore NO Day-Of Sign Ups will be possible!
80 is the Cap and I will not be able to add more spots!
Tell your friends to register asap! Jun 14, 2020
This will allow up to open up registration to a lot more players!
There will be a 20-Hole Layout with multiple Par 4s! Jun 10, 2020
Thank you for understanding and your patience! Apr 18, 2020

We held out as long as we could to make an adjustment to this event..
With the news today that Santioning has been Suspended till April 30th we are moving to our backup date of May 17th, 2020!
W ...
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Mar 20, 2020
We will e confirming location this week... Mar 16, 2020

At the first event one ace was hit and $255 was paid! Mar 9, 2020