NADGT Exclusive - Browns and Bows
Comments 59 following
About this tournament
Chip Frink July 3, 2020 at 12:08am
Tee times posted on if you are on the waitlist, thx for your support and patience, if we have withdrawals between now and Tuesday, you will get added in the order you registered, I will issue refunds on Wed for those who have not been added to the official registered player list.
Chip Frink July 2, 2020 at 5:34pm
Tee times posted here in picture tab, You will be playing both courses. You will be playing with the same group both rounds per PDGA guidelines.
Players packs being bagged and tagged today, your player packs will be picked up after your 1st round.
Masks will be available, social distancing is required.
One score card per group, per round, one score keeper per group, per round.
Parking attendants will guide you to available spots, check in (in car) at the front gate when you arrive.
Please arrive at Browns and Bows 1 hour prior to your tee time.
Stay tuned for more updates
don't just show up please. i will notify by Tuesday of next week if anyone form the waitlist is added, refunds will be sent out on Wed if you do not get added to reg list., Thanks for your support and patience
Sounds good, that’s what I thought with all the restrictions you probably didn’t want people just showing up.
yes under other circumstances I wouldnt mind, and would probably exceed 144 golfers
Tullin Valdez July 2, 2020 at 2:33am
Where can we find details about the tourney that are up to date? I heard it’s going to tee times. Thanks
we switched to tee times in March per PDGA guidelines. current info is posted here, sent in emails and posted on FB page NADGT at Browns and Bows
richard dolezal June 25, 2020 at 6:08pm
I need to withdrawal from this tournament due to some medical issues.
Robert F June 25, 2020 at 2:25pm
I unfortunately need to back out of this tournament. I was not able to reschedule that weekend.
Chip Frink June 24, 2020 at 9:57pm
tournament layout will be posted on UDisc this eve or by tomorrow, course rules and special conditions will be posted here and fb, emails too
Gregg Hammer June 24, 2020 at 9:24pm
Hi Chip! I’m going to try and make it out for a practice round on the tournament layout before the day of, but if I don’t get out beforehand, is there a photo or caddy book of the layout used for this tournament?
Jeff Kelly June 23, 2020 at 12:07am
I was wondering if I were to sign my son up for the upcoming tournament for Jr's, would he go on a waiting list or would you let him play. Just asking because most tournaments I signed him up for, they accept all Jr's even if the tournament is full, to grow the sport.
Id like to be able to allow your son to play.. besides the current waitlist there are PDGA and Yuba Co guidelines re COVID 19 we must follow including a maximum of 4 somes with tee times, I'm all about growing the sport, event has been full for months, you can register here DGS for the waitlist and he might grab an available spot. Thanks for the inquiry,,
Chip Frink June 22, 2020 at 9:46pm
news...pass it on,
BnB will be set in tournament layout this Wed a.m (6/24)., we are open next w/e(6/26-28 9-5) for open play and camping, appointments can be made during weekdays thru Browns and Bows FB page, Friday July 10th will be open play 10$ special for registered players. Camping is also available, reserve thru BnB FB page, if you are not on FB contact me here or via email.
also, a preliminary tee times schedule will be sent out this week.
Jett Livingston June 21, 2020 at 1:49am
Is this tournament still going to be a round before lunch and a round after? I couldn't find the details
Yes Jeff, tee times will be used you will have 1 to 1 1/2 hour lunch between rounds, as tee times go,,, if you play well lunch is longer, if you play not=so=well you will have a shorter lunch, but there will be lunch time for all
Brad Farr June 16, 2020 at 2:03am
How do we get put on waitlist? Am2
Chip Frink June 9, 2020 at 11:44pm
Chip Frink June 9, 2020 at 10:29pm
Get ur discs nice and shiny! We are on People!, NADGT at Browns and Bows has been re sanctioned by the PDGA as of 10:00 a.m. this morning. I will reopen waitlist on Thursday June 11th at 8:00, exactly one month before the first tee time on July 11th. A COVID-19 waiver must be signed prior to play, many details (tee times, course rules and special conditions, preplay and camping etc.) will be provided via email, fb, and this site prior to the tournament. Please alert your friends who are registered players or those who want to play. Super Stoked to see all of your faces!
Lanetha Cassaro June 9, 2020 at 8:24pm
I would love to getting on the waiting list for Advanced Women if at all possible. Thank you!
im working on it miss Lanay, stay tuned, sanctioning agreement might be renewed this week.
Adam 'Static' Pelayo June 8, 2020 at 9:50pm
Anyway I can get in MA2/Waitlist? Would love to play the course for first time.
this will be happening once I get re sanctioned from PDGA, just sent in application this morning, stay tuned.
Darren Mounts June 8, 2020 at 8:28pm
Is it possible to get on the waitlist for MA40? If so, please sign me up and let me know how to process payment. Thanks!
this will be happening once I get re sanctioned from PDGA, just sent in application this morning, stay tuned
Mark Hauser June 8, 2020 at 5:26am
Please put me on the wait list for MA50!! I am so glad the event is on.
Chip if I can get back in (added to the waitlist for Am50 as well I’d appreciate it. It appears that Dayton, NV tournament isn’t going to happen let alone the Sierra Tahoe Series. Let me know. Thanks.
this will be happening once I get re sanctioned from PDGA, just sent in application this morning, stay tuned
Markham Shofner June 7, 2020 at 5:29pm
this will be happening once I get re sanctioned from PDGA, just sent in application this morning, stay tuned
Chip Frink June 7, 2020 at 4:37pm
Breaking News! PDGA sanctioning in NorCal will begin on June 12 if the local county has moved to phase 3 of CA reopening plan. Yuba Co, where Browns and Bows is located, is allowing Phase 3 activities which includes sports w/o spectators. Long and short, I fully expect our long awaited chance to compete again to be on!
please keep your attention on your email or NADGT at Browns and Bows on FB for updates on tee times, course rules/special conditions, etc.
Chip Frink May 17, 2020 at 4:55am
hello Golfers, we are working on securing sanctioning from PDGA so that this event can be held on the rescheduled date Slurpee Day, 7/11. things are looking good but until we have sanctioning confirmed we are still on hold. Open play and camping will be offered at Browns with preference to tournament players. Stay tuned, emails will be sent out this week with more details, thx for your patience