2022 Music City Open Presented by Dynamic Discs - Amateur and Age Protected
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About this tournament
Mike Michalak January 8, 2023 at 5:01am
when does registration open for Music City Open 2023 Am Event??
Jon Arnette April 20, 2022 at 5:47pm
Can't say this enough. MCO is one of the finest-run tournaments I've ever been to. It absolutely blows other tournaments out of the water. Huge shout out to the tournament staff and volunteers for continuing to put on the best events of the year. Thanks a million to you guys! Keep up the incredible work.
Anthony Caldwell April 20, 2022 at 5:31pm
My second year playing MCO and loved it again. Shout out to Music City Golf and all the volunteers that made the weekend possible. Tried to thank everyone while on the courses but I know I missed a bunch of them. Cedar Hill was a hot mess on Saturday but nothing we can do about rains and when they happen. Can't wait till next year.
100% agree, and especially enjoyed that I got play two rounds with you, Anthony.
kirk Trevena April 19, 2022 at 4:39pm
Does anyone have the link or know the guys who did the vid coverage. I would like to share on my social media.
Seth Kupersmith April 17, 2022 at 1:44pm
Lost a yellow and blue dyed champion destroyer ob on hole 1 of Two Rivers. Has the initials “NBP” on the back.
Mikey Seibert April 16, 2022 at 10:36pm
Is there an approximate time for the raffle? Don't want to miss it
Corey Dills April 16, 2022 at 3:54pm
I am unable to continue. Sorry for the late notification. Tried to walk it off. Right ankle.
Matt Peckham April 16, 2022 at 2:16am
Anybody got room for me closer into town for Saturday night? My motel (only had it Thursday and Friday night) is an hour south in Manchester and I’m hoping to be closer and get to the fly mart. Got bedding. Appreciate any help.
Matt Peckham
Ok Keith. But will we be going to Skulls Rainbow Room tonight???
Michael Ronan April 15, 2022 at 2:17pm
Holy F$&k!
Best players pack EVER!
Maybe you shouldn't play true am events if you feel this way. Or paly pro and players packs aren't a factor then.
Personally I asked well before the event if they could give a rough teaser of what player pack would have similar to ledgestone. And they didnt give any information but assured it was worth it based on last year. Last year they got a nice backpack so i decided to still play and give benefit of the d ... more
Because Curtis I am an Am player. I play AM...But I see what you re saying, rather than bringing up what a joke the players pack was maybe I should just stop complaining and play pro... ???? Again why do people get so defensive when Am players complain about the player pack, it's literally all ... more
Casey Garnett April 14, 2022 at 11:11pm
Lost a Yellow stock Stamp Ricky wysocki 2 time destroyer at Cane Advanced. Lost it on the front 9 not sure which hole.
Saw it sitting on the bench of 9 if I remember correctly. Left it there because it had no number to contact.
Steve krajnik April 14, 2022 at 6:10pm
Lost a centurion on hole one at cane advanced, it's got a pink rim and purple/grey center. I hit a tree on the left and it shot right, if anyone finds it I would love to get it back.
Terry Rigby April 13, 2022 at 11:50pm
I lost a white Luke Humphries F1 (I think) on hole 15. Thrown from the top of the hill and went straight into the bushes at the edge of the fairway to the right of the basket. Where is the best place to post about a missing disc? I'm from Canada so getting it back before the end of the tournament would be fairly important. It doesn't have my name or number on it as it was just given to me for my birthday from a friend. I believe it has the initials AH on it.
Cedar Hill, sorry I didn't mention that, now added to the OP. I should also mention that it has a stamp on the bottom with the name "Bogey Steve" I think as well.
Bryan Boyle April 13, 2022 at 7:10pm
Player pack pickup at cane ridge as early as 8am Thursday 4/14? Are you all going to be there on time bc I need to get to work asap
Gage Waits April 12, 2022 at 6:04pm
Could I withdraw Addison Fowler from FA3? I signed her up and could not do the withdraw on my login. Thanks.
Curtis Barker April 12, 2022 at 4:19pm
I have a 1:10pm tee time (MA3), would it be possible to switch with someone who has an earlier Tee time (like 11am)? I have some issues with childcare
I'm curious how you know your tee time already (MA2), I have not seen them posted yet myself.
Jeff Snyder April 12, 2022 at 3:29pm
Played cedar hill maybe 10 days ago and hole 1 was in the shortest position. Caddy book shows it longer than that. Had the baskets not been put in MCO positions yet or is the caddy book wrong?
Not sure what day they moved them, but I played two days ago and all pins were in the correct positions from the caddy book
Bethel Barrett April 12, 2022 at 2:29am
Question…. Maybe the answer comes later but for those who want to practice / strategize Cedar Hill per tee order….. Will our tee time require us to start our round at Hole 1 or Hole 17 ? I have seen both be used as the starting hole in previous tournaments. Thanks !
Anthony Caldwell April 12, 2022 at 1:55am
There are no mandos listed in the caddie book at Two Rivers, are we playing the normal mando lines or are there no mandos?
Shelley Carden April 12, 2022 at 12:59am
Any gals available to play a round at Cane tomorrow (Tuesday)morning?
Jason Pauli April 11, 2022 at 5:21pm
Rule clarification for hole 12 at Cane Advanced. Is the island the only place that is in bounds on the hole or is your shot only OB if it is surrounded by concrete? Are we not able to lay up short in the grass before the road anymore?
It’s written the same way as last year and it was played the way you are talking about, if you aren’t on asphalt then you are safe.
Concrete bad, grass is good. It has to be worded the way it is to satisfy the PDGA. It is not a “True island hole” meaning that you do not have to land on the island from your drive. Any shot after the initial drive is played using normal OB rules.
I have too agree! It was my 1st time there and everyone did a great job! It was really one of the best times I've had being terrible at Disc Golf