Mulligan Stew presented by the Minnesota Frisbee Association

Sunday, March 14, 2021 at Blue Ribbon Pines in East Bethel, Minnesota
Disc golf singles tournament

Mulligan Stew presented by the Minnesota Frisbee Association graphic

About this tournament

The Mulligan Stew is an event designed to be a spring kick off for the Minnesota Frisbee Association (MFA) . It is a time to join or renew membership with the MFA. All net funds will go to the Minnesota Frisbee Association in order to support ongoing initiatives of the club, which include doubling ACE pools for club members, course improvement grants, and other club related events and business.

If there are any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to reach out to the MFA via email at [email redacted].

Thank you for your ongoing support and participation in the MFA. The oldest flying disc club in the world.

Entry fee: $40 pro divisions, $30 amateur divisions

$5 allocated to greens fees, $5 to MFA, $10 to membership and tag. $20 for pro and $10 for amateur divisions will be allocated for award payouts.

Refund policy

Minnesota Frisbee Association is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

1Derek Sahr7373$110
2Mitch Privette7373$90
3Ryan Sheldon7373$70
4Chris Hall7474$60
5Grant Dammann7575$45
5Nick Le7575$45
7Anthony Erickson7878$30
7Timothy J Johnson7878$30
9Alex Irrgang7979
9Cody Parsons7979
9Mike Dahl7979
12Ben Kroll8080
12Riley Brenner8080
12Robb Mellema8080
15Dan Reynoso8181
15Joseph Miller8181
17Tim Phillips8282
18James Klimek8484
18Tyler Jaeger8484
20Josh Miller8585
21Quinn Richmond8686
22Kyle Pinkman8787
23Cody Nynas8888
24Jesse Adams8989
1Jared Raeker7878$100
2Daniel Larva8080$75
3Dan Schnabel8080$55
4Brandon Day8181$30
5Kris Robertson8282
6Zach Schultz8383
7Robert Lauritzen8484
8Jason Hill8585
9Mike Thorn8989
10Jason Krebsbach9090
11Ray Jordan9292
12Neil Hochstetler9393
13Jay Robbins9494
1Derek Andersen8080$75
2Jason Rice8080$60
3Jonathon Fleischman8080$50
4Nick Swanson8181$40
5Joshua Krone8282$20
5Matt Tomy8282$20
7Grant Kregness8484$10
7Hans Owens8484$10
7Jason Sidler8484$10
7Kyle Kalinowski8484$10
7Steven Toso8484$10
7Tanner Greely8484$10
13Deryck Lawson8585
14Joe Oscarson8686
15Alexander Snyder8787
15Nick Finazzo8787
15Scott McClure8787
18Donavon Boucher8888
18Jason Nance8888
18Matt Higgins8888
18Mitchel Jordan8888
22Troy Lehto8989
23Douglas Seltz9191
24Derek Jordan9393
24Paulo Woods9393
24Ryan Pierson9393
24Tyler J Guimont9393
28Josh Anderson9494
29Tim Lauer9595
30Jake Gabrielli-0
30Sean Rolison-0
1Matt Leto8282$50
2Brandon Heem8686$25
2Jeff Rademacher8686$25
4Glen Holman8787
5Nate Gross9191
5Rick Cary9191
7Jeromy Magill9595
7Shane Melton9595
9Josh Gladden9696
10Tim Chapman9797
1Austin Phillippi8383$60
2Tony Hyser8484$50
3Chris Smolnicky8585$45
4David Soule8686$40
5Jacob Crisham9090$30
5Matt Christensen9090$30
5Richard Markun9090$30
8Nicholas Spagenske9191$25
9Brandon Courteau9292$25
10Tom Odegaard9393$20
11Jared Morrell9494$20
12Adam Fritz9595
12Cooper Gillick9595
12Kazin Diekmann9595
12Ryley Tennyson9595
12Stephan Ostendorf9595
12Tyler Amberg9595
18Chris Brister9797
19Matt Syx9898
19Patrick Cashman9898
21Andrew Pahl9999
21Braeden Keenan9999
21Brett Malone9999
24Logan Donahue100100
24Steve Reedy100100
26Arthur Gryczman101101
26Brandon Gladden101101
26Drew Dolly101101
26Jordan Anderson101101
30Douglas Welliver III102102
31Samual D Drinkwine103103
32Alex Fabian105105
32Parker Lueth105105
34Ryan Jordan106106
35Jakob Dahle107107
36Samuel Smith108108
37Joseph Hultman110110
1Alek Anderson9191$40
2Chad Refsland9595$30
3Brandon Refsland9696$25
4Justin Jevnager9797$15
5Phillip Dahlheimer9898
6Daniel Miley9999
7James Johnson101101
8Ryan Nichols101101
9Cullen Fitzsimmons110110
10Joel Leach111111
11Tim Reese116116
12Gary Weida118118
1Phillip Dahlheimer Jr108108$20
2John Murray118118
1Liz Emerson9090$25
2Jessica Hawthorne106106$15
3Susan Yang107107
4Paula Landry111111
1Jordan Strand101101$10
1Nicole Hatcher9696$30
2Ashley Christy115115$20
3Renee Thorn118118
4Jerica Michalec124124
5Pashia Vang132132
1Natalie Leach147147$10
1Connor Refsland106106$10
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