Pathfinders Diabetes Awareness Singles at Mountain Mist

Sunday, November 13, 2022 at Mountain Mist Outdoor Center in Meriden, Connecticut
Disc golf singles tournament

Pathfinders Diabetes Awareness Singles at Mountain Mist graphic


Tournament DirectorSHERRY S BOYD
Technical DirectorSven Dolling
Assistant Tournament Directorcarolyn M daniels

About this tournament

Alan Daninhirsch Pathfinders Diabetes Awareness Singles Disc Golf Tournament being played on the Alan Daninhirsch CT Lions Pathfinders Disc Golf Course at Mountain Mist Day Camp.

Entry fees for the two 9-hole rounds tournament are: $30 for adults, $20 for teens and $10 for kids. Extra rounds, with an opportunity to improve your best score, will be sold for $5 each for all. First prize will be awarded in every division. Every player will receive a Ymca mini and have their choice of a custom Innova midrange disc, which could facilitate play for that day if you come without any other discs. Please register here and either follow the above link to pay or plan to pay in person with cash, check or credit card on tournament day when you check in. Half of every registration dollar will be donated to camp scholarships for children with diabetes.

This is your perfect first tournament! If you have never played before, come at 9 am and enjoy a clinic that will teach you the basics before the tournament begins.

Shotgun start for the 1st group of players is at 10 am for 2 rounds of 9, which will take about 2 hours. Approximate start of the 2nd group is at 12:30 pm. If you have a card of 4 you wish to play with, please register tee times accordingly. If you do not have a pre-arranged card, we will match you up with people to play with at check-in.

The Alan Daninhirsch CT Lions Pathfinders Disc Golf Course was made possible by the generous donation from the CT Lions Club, and dedicated to the children of the Meriden YMCA Mountain Mist Day Camp Pathfinders program. This program, one of the many Lions Club Diabetes Camp programs worldwide, is designed to help enhance the quality of life for young people living with diabetes. This program fosters relationships that will help participants expand their diabetes management skills and increase knowledge of the disease. At the Pathfinders camp, youth gather and form a supportive network of peers and improve their diabetes management through educational and physical activities at a site away from home or school.

We look forward to seeing you on the 13th!

Refund policy

Refunds must be requested 24 hours in advance if possible. If no request is made, your payment will be considered a donation to the Pathfinders scholarship fund. Refunding a credit order will appear back in your bank account within 5 - 10 business days. Thank you!

Final Results


Kevin NadrowskiHole 6 on Main course, Regular tees
Ian BezrutczykHole 4 on Main course, Regular tees
1Aaron Thompson2323-46
2Anthony Iavobacci2226-48
3Duncan Farquharson2325-48
1Josh Strecker1920-39
2Ian Bezrutczyk3427-61
3Kevin Nadrowski17--17
1Juan Jiminez2926-55
2Michael Ferguson3129-60
3Stephen Akers3232-64
1Sven Dolling28242779
2WIll BArtlett2424-48
3Jim Foertch2625-51
4Joel Strillacci3130-61
1Fred Ariale2422-46
2Matt Ferrucci2423-47
3Ryan Crooks2523-48
4Michael Orfao2523-48
1Carl Rogers2423-47
2Andrew Nichols2424-48
3Mark Silva2623-49
4Josh Lovely2327-50
5John Wrobel2823-51
6Eli Brashears2726-53
7Erik Carlson2826-54
8Ryan Pellico2730-57
1David Andrews2728-55
2Jameson MacInnis2828-56
3Nicholas Jiminez3028-58
4Matthew Neale---0
1Carla Strecker2528-53
2Robyn Demarco3132-63
1Robin Pascarelli23252472
2Sherry Boyd30312990
3Susan Farquharson2925-54
4Carolyn Daniels3236-68
1Linda McMurray28293289
2Diane Wirtemburg34--34
1Jeanna Strillacci2324-47
2Annaliisa Erickson2933-62
3Amber Chausse---0
1Sarah Geandreau3229-61
2Mary Sandoval4235-77
3Lena Sadowitz4237-79
1Hunter Ariale2828-56
2Wyeth Andrews3430-64
1Emory Andrews3029-59
2Jonathan SIlva3131-62
3Derrick SIlva3628-64
4Calais Ariale3733-70
1Finlay Andrews4740-87
2Montgomery Neale---0
1Elias Frazer54--54
1Uriaja Frazer54--54
Round 1: Mountain Mist Outdoor Center - Regular tees, 9 holes, par 27
1Alyanna Frazer42--42
2Coralin Andrews44--44
Round 1: Mountain Mist Outdoor Center - Regular tees, 9 holes, par 27
1Frances Strecker47--47
2Laila Frazer51--51
Round 1: Mountain Mist Outdoor Center - Regular tees, 9 holes, par 27
1Bayleigh Nadrowski63--63
2Dakota Nadrowski82--82
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