Mountain Disc Golf Experience

PDGA logoSat-Sun, May 27-28, 2017 at Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park in Candler, North Carolina
B-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Mountain Disc Golf Experience graphic

Refund policy

Event round cancellations or suspensions as well as player withdraws and refunds will be handled according to the PDGA guidelines in the Competition Manual for disc golf events sections 1.3 and 1.7


Final Results

PDGA results at
Round 1: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 2: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 3: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
1Nate Sexton535352158
2Tim Owston565056162
3Weston Isaacs535554162
4Matthew Blakely545949162
5Tyler Starnes565751164
6Jason Grubb575755169
7Mitch Dickens575756170
8Casey Trudeau565955170
9Anthony Hauf565758171
10Jeremy Taylor566155172
11Brandon brown575957173
12Wes Mauney615756174
13David Diehl625955176
14Bryan Huff626154177
15David Love566361180
16Mark Davis655661182
17Griffin Flowers635961183
18Daniel McDonald646260186
19Matthew Splain635867188
20Colby Davenport646857189
21Ethan smith616863192
22Louis Diodato757469218
23Blane light5862-120
Round 1: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 2: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 3: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
1Charlie Davenport605965184
2Ryan Pickens646361188
Round 1: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 2: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 3: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
1Kevin Peterson637055188
Round 1: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 2: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 3: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
1Joshua Easterling575657170
2Austin couch536157171
3Jared askew575659172
4Matt Opperman585763178
5Francisco vargas616355179
6Matt Kovitch625959180
7Matt Whitlock645957180
8Brian Welborn646257183
9Brian Yoe576364184
10Tony Malone616065186
11Patrick Yoe666258186
12Michael Kamback626461187
13Jonathan Webb636364190
14Chuck Harris726060192
15Jonathon Jones666265193
16Andrew Piekarski666167194
17RD Warren666268196
18John Garcia686665199
19Ryan Valdez676767201
20Jonathan Pitt646971204
21Anthony Nicolini656874207
22Philip Lawrence6464-128
23Pat Leonard6772-139
Round 1: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 2: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 3: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
1Kennie Myus626169192
2Jason Hennard607163194
3Stephen Savage636963195
4Oliver Balson647062196
5Johnny Birtch716659196
6Shawn Owens636767197
7Heath Herron696964202
8West Shirley666774207
9Bill Braasch696871208
10Mike Faust727970221
11George Amerson727280224
Round 1: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 2: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 3: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
1Michael Jaffe586460182
2Clark Lipkin606865193
3Scott Elam676467198
4Pauley Smith706662198
5Randy Hansen667065201
6Thomas Williams746667207
7Wind Motika716968208
8Lee Reading747367214
9gino pride7982-161
Round 1: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 2: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 3: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
1Brandon Burch646460188
2Andrew Dorsett636662191
3Bryan Frees646365192
4Bryan Suson636367193
5Alex Fernandez656862195
6Brandon Henderson666471201
7Nate Michalove656871204
8Curt Rozell696966204
9Joshua Sukosd716966206
10Cody Splain696875212
11David Michalove717666213
12Will Hickerson677572214
13Jordan Reading737567215
14Austin Hunter707969218
15Jesse Dunham767674226
Round 1: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 2: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 3: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
1Mack Tobias656562192
2James Rittwage616568194
3Cody Whitlock677376216
4Mike Brown747372219
5Jonathan Orr757980234
6Stacy Shope818584250
7Jacob Goodman779083250
Round 1: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 2: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 3: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
1Alexandra Kelvin757977231
Round 1: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 2: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 3: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
1Jennie costs747973226
2Debbie Perkins918982262
Round 1: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 2: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
Round 3: Sandhill DGC @ Buncombe County Sports Park - MDGE17, 20 holes, par 63
1Elizabeth Smith Carlee Smith1018992282
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