
Minnesota Doubles Series - CP Adams

Teams tournament · Sun, Mar 21, 2021Mar 2021 · Hastings, MN

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Brian nagle Paid up! Jason thanks much! Mar 20, 2021
Brian nagle Hey Jason, how many are on the am2 waitlist? Any possibility we can get in? Mar 19, 2021
Jason Wilder Mar 20, 2021 Register for the waitlist. I will get you in
Samuel Altier I should’ve read the description better on alternating shot. I assumed we were still throwing two shots per team, but forced to alternate throws. Good thing I learned that now and not Sunday morning. Mar 19, 2021
Jason Wilder Mar 19, 2021 What would be the point of both people throwing shots but still alternating throws? How would that work?
Brandon Mondor Will we be playing the short or long tee pads? Mar 14, 2021
Jason Wilder Mar 15, 2021 LONGS
Lucas Anderson I just registered with the PDGA this year and I do not have a rating, and the same would go for my potential partner. Would we still be able to register for the tournament under the pro division? Thanks in advance for your help. Mar 8, 2021
Jason Wilder Mar 9, 2021 yes
Bryan Pyle Hey Jason. Registration is the day before a ratings update. Before the update we are below 910. After the update we are likely above 910 (but I am not good at maths and won't know for certain until the PDGA does their proprietary magic/voodoo) Mar 6, 2021
Bryan Pyle Mar 6, 2021 Or we could just play up. Don't mind me. I just answered my own question. Hope you are killing it in Arizona!
Jason Wilder Mar 6, 2021 We will adjust people on the day of the event if needed. There is no divisional limit, so its just a matter of where you end up.
Jack Belvedere My buddy and I are looking to play in this but this is his first season as a PDGA member. Will we just use my rating to figure out division? Feb 25, 2021
Jason Wilder Feb 25, 2021 You would most likely start in the AM2 division
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