Michigan Amateur Open
PDGA A-tier · Sat-Sun, Jun 25-26, 2011Jun 2011 · Holly, MI
Ok guys the people of the FTF Nation have asked and I am obliging...
Ever wanted to design a disc that is used for a tournament stamp?
Think that my lame artistic talents have run their course?
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Mar 16, 2011
A minimum: 3 discs and free player party (food, beer, pop/water, entertainment). Mar 5, 2011
I would play some other tournaments earlier in the year (the 2011 state wide Michigan tournament schedule will be completed soon) and I would play in those first. This is an A-Tier which is ...
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Dec 10, 2010
MARK runs the best events on a regular basis. As a proud FTFer I thought this is one of the best events a non-pro could dream of attending.
THAT SAID: I believe constructive criticism is how to ma ...
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Jul 4, 2011
No one should be complaining. This was a great tourney. I took second in AM 3 and was more than happy with my $35 payout. I think people are forgetting that we got a 3 disc player pack including st ...
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Jul 2, 2011
Jul 1, 2011
I forogt to add this in. To run this event cost us near $5000. Entry fees were near $5000. Even taking into account mark up on discs the event is a wash with all of the things we provide for free. ...
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Jun 30, 2011
Mark - just my two cents, but I heard the opposite. People that I talked to, including myself, could not believe what a good deal we all got for the cost of this tournament even outside of the payou ...
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Jun 30, 2011
I don't see how anyone could complain about this tourney at all. You provided food, beer, entertainment, easily $45 player pack, and an over all awesome experience. You shouldn't have to defend yourse ...
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Jun 30, 2011
So I keep seeing people grumble about the payouts. If you have a specific question I am more than happy to answer them but the short story is that everyone got a 3 disc player pack (of which there wer ...
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Jun 30, 2011
It was cool to see of your artwork displayed... Jun 27, 2011
So, when I run an event, the basic guideline that I use is, I ask myself "Is this an event that I would like to play in." Huge player pack, moderate entry fee, player party with food, beer, & music, ...
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Jun 27, 2011
Thanks mark for everything! A huge thank you goes out to the state rec and dnr for working with us, and bending rules here and there to help this awesome tournament go off superbly. I had a blast this ...
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Jun 27, 2011