Meyer Broadway Fundraiser

Saturday, June 17, 2023 at Meyer Broadway Park in Three Rivers, Michigan
Disc golf singles tournament

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Welcome to the Meyer Broadway Fundraiser!!! The Meyer Broadway Fundraiser is an unsanctioned singles tourna ... more
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Caleb Kauffman    June 16, 2023 at 10:03pm

Tournament starts tomorrow!! As a reminder, everything is pushed back an hour so y’all can sleep in a little. Players meeting at 9:40, tee-off at 10 for the first round. Lunch will be provided at noon, and the second round will start sometime 1:30ish. If you have any questions let me know below!


Caleb Kauffman    June 15, 2023 at 4:15pm

Tournament start in two days!! Here are the hole specific ctps for the tourney:
North Course: Hole 1, Hole 9, and Hole 17
South Course: Hole 2, Hole 6, and Hole 11
There won’t be any prize money for a ctp hole, but we have some sweet discs that have been donated by Michiana Pro Shop for the winner of each ctp. We also have an ace pot, and if an ace is hit during the round, that person will receive the pot. If no ace is hit the money will be donated to Bible Memory.


Caleb Kauffman    June 11, 2023 at 7:48pm

As of right now the tournament is still on for the upcoming Saturday!!!(the 17th) there are a few things that I would like to mention in preparation for the event:
1: All players will be moved into one group, I am still expecting a few more signups this week, so the competition should be pretty stout.
2: There will be several ctps and long putts running for certain holes with a prize for the winner of said hole. I will reveal the selected holes as we get more towards the middle of the week. ... more
