McCook Doubles #2

Doubles tournament

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Hosted by Disc Gauntlet


  • Sat
    Aug 24

    9:00am - 9:40am


    9:40am - 9:45am

    Player's Meeting

    10:00am - 12:00pm

    Shotgun Start

    12:15pm - 12:30pm


    12:30pm - 1:30pm


    12:30pm - 1:00pm


    2:00pm - 4:00pm

    Random Draw Doubles (costs $5, money goes to payouts)


PRO Pro Doubles $50 / team
AM Am Doubles $40 / team
REC Recreational Doubles $30 / team
RAFF Raffle Tickets Only! (25 tickets $20 / team

About this tournament

One round, BYOP best shot event! PRO and INT divisions will play for a small payout. REC division will play for TROPHIES ONLY! Course rules and information will be available the morning of the event at the players meeting.

Playoff: SUDDEN DEATH holes 5, 18, and 4 on loop, beginning with hole 5.


It wouldn't be a true doubles event in McCook if we didn't have a massive raffle! Each individual will receive one raffle ticket for registering for the event. You can buy raffle tickets through the registration process, or the day of the event. NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN. The cost for raffle tickets are:

$1 = 1 raffle ticket
$20 = 25 raffle tickets

Don't miss out on the raffle. There will be plenty of raffle items available. Below are just a few items so far:

A quarter side of beef - WHAT?!?
Gift cards to area businesses
Gift baskets
A JBL speaker
Hand tools

Seriously, don't miss out on this one!


We will do a $5 random draw doubles round after the raffle and lunch. Jimmy John's will provided a limited amount of lunches that can be purchased for $10 following the event. All proceeds go towards the Southwest Nebraska Family Resource Center.


If you are staying the night before, or Saturday, make sure you check out the deals below:

Quality Inn & Suites is offering a discounted rate of $89/night
Cobblestone is offering a discounted rate of $102/night

When you reserve a room make sure you let them know you are coming into town for the McCook Doubles tournament that is in support of the Southwest Nebraska Family Resource Center.

Refund policy

Disc Gauntlet is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.