Match Play Madness

Disc golf event · Amateur

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Hosted by Jeff Casalina


  • Sun
    Apr 14

    7:30am - 8:15am at Cane Ridge Park

    Player Check-In.

    8:20am - 8:40am at Cane Ridge Park

    Player's Meeting (Mandatory).

    9:00am - 12:00pm at Cane Ridge Park

    First Bracket round of 64 players.

    12:00pm - 1:00pm at Cane Ridge Park

    Lunch break. Times may be adjusted depending on when the last card is turned in.

    1:00pm - 4:00pm at Cane Ridge Park

    Second Bracket round of 32 players.


GEN General $15

About this tournament

Here it is!! Your ultimate Match Play event that will lead into the U.S. Amateur Match Play Championship Local qualifier!! This is a AMATEUR ONLY event!!

Current PDGA member guidelines – Disc golfers rated 969 or below as of January 1, 2019. New members who do not have a current PDGA rating are eligible to compete.
Non-current PDGA members – Disc golfers who have never been rated 970 or above.
Non-PDGA members – Disc golfers who are not current PDGA members or are so new to the PDGA that they do not have a rating are eligible to play in the event.

For more information on the U.S. Amateur Match Play Championships, please visit

We're gonna start with 64 players that will be randomly matched up for play. After the first round, the 32 winners will play the second round on the same day. The ones that make it into the "Sweet 16" will be the ones who will play in the U.S. Amateur Match Play Championship Local Qualifying bracket which will start on 4/21/19.

The initial round will cost $15. Players advancing to the second bracket (32 players) will need to immediately pay another $15 to advance. If you advance into the "Sweet 16" that will play in the Local Qualifier, then you will need to pay the final $15 which would total the $45 entry into the U.S. Amateur Match Play Local Qualifier. The $45 entry fee is a one time cost. Players will receive a Dynamic Discs Lucid-X Escape and Latitude 64 Retro Keystone in their player pack. If a player advances to the next levels, there are not additional entry fees. Winners of Local Qualifying Brackets will move on to the State/Province Bracket. Winners of the State/Province Bracket will move on to the Championship Bracket in Emporia, Kansas (June 20-23, 2019).


4/14/19- First Bracket round of 64 players
Second Bracket round of 32 players
@Cane Ridge DGC(Advanced)

4/27/19-U.S. Amateur Match Play Championship begins.
Third Bracket round of "Sweet 16" players.
Fourth Bracket round of "Elite 8" players.
@Two Rivers Park
More information will be provided as far as check-in/tee time.

4/28/19- U.S. Amateur Match Play Championship ends.
Fifth Bracket round of the "Final 4" players.
Championship Round.
@Seven Oaks Park
3rd place consolation round will run with the Championship round.
**More information will be provided as far as check-in/tee time.

Refund policy

Jeff Casalina is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.