March Fundraiser for The Storehouse

Saturday, March 20, 2021 at Northwest Park - Parkside Bible Church in Brownsburg, Indiana
Disc golf singles tournament

March Fundraiser for The Storehouse graphic


Tournament DirectorJohn Strifler

About this tournament

This is a fundraising event for the Storehouse Food pantry at Parkside Bible Church. This is an unsanctioned event, seeking to promote play and support for the Storehouse. Currently, two rounds of 18 holes are planned, with a two-hole substitution - not playing holes 5 and 6 (water holes) and adding temporary holes between Holes 11 and 12. The final setup will be announced at least a week prior.
Lunch will be provided by Parkside Bible Church for the players (consider an additional donation for The Storehouse)
As another means of raising funds, mulligans will be available for purchase, as this is not a PDGA sanctioned event. These will be available in 3 fo $5 groups. Mulligans can be used to replay any shot, with only one mulligan per hole. A mulligan ACE does count if you are in the ACE fund. And you MUST play the mulligan throw - it replaces your previous throw.

Refund policy

Hendricks County Disc Golf Club and John Strifler are responsible for all refunds/cancellations.
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