Mad City Open Wisconsin Tour Stop, Pro, Adv, Age protected. Presented by Innova
Added cash $1,000
Added merchandise $100
About this tournament
2 rounds of 18 holes, shotgun start. Everyone will play a round at 2 different courses.
A pool-(MPO,FPO,MP40,FP40)- Round 1 Heistand ( long tees to blue basket positions), Round 2 Vallarta-Ast (token creek) long tees to blue basket positions. Holes 1-18.
B pool-( MA1,FA1,MA40)- Round 1 Elver, (long tees to blue basket positions), Round 2 Heistand, long tees to blue basket positions.
C pool-(MP50,MP60,MA50,MA60,MA65,MA70,FA40,FA50,FA55,FA60,FP50,MP65)
Round 1 Vallarta-Ast(TokenCreek) short tees to blue basket positions. Holes 1-18,
Round 2 Elver, short tees to blue basket positions. (Except hole 18, which is played from long tee)
Cash payouts for top finishers in the Pro divisions. Paypal will be used for all cash payouts. Merchandise payouts for top finishers in the Am divisions.
Ctps, added games, fun courses. Players Packs for all amateurs.
Schedule will be posted by the end of June.
Pool assignments may change prior to the event. Registered players will be notified of any changes happening after registering.
The group campsite located at Token Creek county park will be open for tournament player use. If you plan on camping please reach out the the TD.
Thanks for playing the Mad City Open. We have beautiful courses and a great community so be sure to spend some time checking out our wonderful city.
A pool-(MPO,FPO,MP40,FP40)- Round 1 Heistand ( long tees to blue basket positions), Round 2 Vallarta-Ast (token creek) long tees to blue basket positions. Holes 1-18.
B pool-( MA1,FA1,MA40)- Round 1 Elver, (long tees to blue basket positions), Round 2 Heistand, long tees to blue basket positions.
C pool-(MP50,MP60,MA50,MA60,MA65,MA70,FA40,FA50,FA55,FA60,FP50,MP65)
Round 1 Vallarta-Ast(TokenCreek) short tees to blue basket positions. Holes 1-18,
Round 2 Elver, short tees to blue basket positions. (Except hole 18, which is played from long tee)
Cash payouts for top finishers in the Pro divisions. Paypal will be used for all cash payouts. Merchandise payouts for top finishers in the Am divisions.
Ctps, added games, fun courses. Players Packs for all amateurs.
Schedule will be posted by the end of June.
Pool assignments may change prior to the event. Registered players will be notified of any changes happening after registering.
The group campsite located at Token Creek county park will be open for tournament player use. If you plan on camping please reach out the the TD.
Thanks for playing the Mad City Open. We have beautiful courses and a great community so be sure to spend some time checking out our wonderful city.
Refund policy
Madison disc golf Tournament Club is responsible for all refunds and cancellations. We will follow PDGA rule 1.03 Withdrawals and Refunds., for any refunds or withdrawal requests.