M.V.D.S.A. Doubles at Dave's B.Y.O.P.
About this tournament
This is a bring your own partner doubles event. 2 rounds of 18 holes on our club course. $1.00 per person ace pot. If no one aces. The ctp on hole 3 will decide it(ctp will be up during play). Round 1 will have special play for holes 1-9 and holes 10-18. 1-9 will be worst drive-best shot. You take your worst drive then play the rest of the hole best shot. Holes 10-18 will be best drive-alternate shot. Who's ever drive you take the other person starts the alternate shot portion of the hole. Round 2 will be normal best shot. You may not split your lies. Choose a lie and play it. This is a pre registation event. You need to be on the list before 10:00 p.m. Saturday August 30th. You may pay day of event for a $2.00 late fee. If you are not on the list and pay day of it will be a $5.00 late fee. 4discgolf should have event up and running soon. You can get with me to pre pay as well. Questions call 503-857-9969 oe email [email redacted]