MVP Winter Series- Better late than never. PDX Disc Co.
About this tournament
Players pack includes 2 discs and MVP drawstring bag.
ENTRY: $27
This is going to be blast. Be ready for a good time. Two rounds. The first round is random doubles using the player pack discs only. Second round will be a singles round, starting with the score from the dubs round. You can use any MVP/Axiom discs for this round. We will be doing ring of fire giveaways, a basket raffle, and CTP prizes.
Lunch will be provided. If your picky or on a special diet. Bring yourself a lunch. We will most likely do a simple lunch with dogs etc.
This event is to grow the sport, meet other players, and have an all around good time. We will have all disc molds from MVP available for purchase at the event.
ENTRY: $27
This is going to be blast. Be ready for a good time. Two rounds. The first round is random doubles using the player pack discs only. Second round will be a singles round, starting with the score from the dubs round. You can use any MVP/Axiom discs for this round. We will be doing ring of fire giveaways, a basket raffle, and CTP prizes.
Lunch will be provided. If your picky or on a special diet. Bring yourself a lunch. We will most likely do a simple lunch with dogs etc.
This event is to grow the sport, meet other players, and have an all around good time. We will have all disc molds from MVP available for purchase at the event.
Refund policy
PDX DISC CO. is responsible for all refunds/cancelations. There will be no refunds after April 27th 12pm.