MVP Precision Putter Challenge

Saturday, August 1, 2020 at Valley Regional in Taylorsville, Utah
Disc golf singles tournament

MVP Precision Putter Challenge graphic


Tournament DirectorChaz Critchfield
Assistant TDBrennin Vanderpoel

About this tournament

We will be playing a 2 putter only event using the putters provided in the players pack. The discs will be an MVP Electron Entropy and a Streamline Electron Stabilizer. We will be playing a 27 hole modified course layout with holes ranging from 150' to 250' feet, with one long par 4. Each hole will have an "MVP Zone" if a player makes their drive in this zone they will receive a raffle ticket for prize drawings at the end of the event.

Each division will receive MVP Zone raffle tickets just for signing up for the event.

Juniors - 10 Tickets
Womens & MA34 - 5 Tickets
MA12 - 1 Ticket

Ace Pot - We will be having a $3 buy in for the ace pot. There will be many short holes ready to be aced! If however the luck is not in our favor we will be distributing the ace pot through the raffle.

Refund policy

Event Coordinator (TD) is responsible for all cancellations or refund requests.


Valley Regional
Taylorsville, UT   Get Directions

Final Results


Kris Humphreys$84.20 for Hole 7 on Main course, Regular tees
Casey H$84.20 for Hole 18 on Main course,
Vincent Ellsworth$84.20 for Hole 14 on Main course,
Round 1: Valley Regional - , 1 holes, par 3
1William Bauer6464
2Brian "Nigel" Hansen6767
3Benjamin Housley6969
4Casey Howard6969
5Danny Berg7070
5Lando Savage7070
5Ryan Shilton7070
8Bryan Tanner7171
9Tony Litizzette7272
10John Feldman7373
11Jacob Addis7474
12Michael Ray7575
12Ollie Tanner7575
14Aaron Blinzinger7676
14David Tanner7676
14Jacob Smith7676
14Lonnie Kerns7676
18Andrew Hincks7777
19Jaron "McPutteryBoi" Robbins7878
19Kevin Todd7878
21Cody West7979
21Thomas Henry7979
23Brayden Woodworth8080
24Benjamin Montoya8383
24Sean Thomas8383
26Nathan Paxman8989
27Charles Jensen9090
1Tim Parker6969
2Zach Polak6969
3Peter Messina7171
4Christopher Melhado7272
4Dan Messina7272
4James “Smitty” Smith7272
4Jimmy Staggs7272
4Travis Holmquist7272
9Aaron Pendleton7373
9John Feldman7373
11Kieran Buhler7474
12Justin Holmes7575
13Alex Reber7676
13Camron Buhler7676
15Laif Erickson7777
15Vincent Ellsworth7777
17Dallas Bean7878
17Jonathan Weiss7878
17Todd Hummel7878
20CJ Peterson7979
20Dave Parker7979
22Blake Heiner8080
22Jason Madsen8080
22Joe Henry8080
22Kris Humphreys8080
22Nat Hamlett8080
22Steve Rowley8080
28Michael Latimer8181
28Rob Hansen8181
30Gerrad Lemon8282
30Noah Parker8282
30William Dougherty8282
33Beau Austin8383
33Vail Paxman8383
35Austin Nielsen8484
35Terry Bean8484
37Jacob Perez8585
37Wheeler Edwards8585
39David Gorka8686
39Marcus Martinez8686
39Matt Peterson8686
42Brady Maynes8787
42Scott Brewster8787
42Tyler Hartman8787
45Levi Bentley8989
45Taylor Stassi8989
45Will Brewster8989
48Thomas Farr9090
49Francisco Reyes9191
50Lance Turner9292
50Reverend Delahunty9292
50Sam Mills9292
53David Aun9797
53Michael Watson9797
55Jordan Stanworth9999
56Jammie Kay Harper103103
57Judy Stanworth118118
58Erika Taylor140140
1Lili Orozco7777
2Tori L Pasquin8080
4Krysta Housley8383
5Carmen Chaires8787
6Mary Tanner9797
7Kailie West102102
8Darcie Bean115115
1Benjamin Lemon7272
2Jason Wu7777
3Rowan Conner7979
4Oakland Chamberlain8282
5Sierra Wu9393
6Kingston Chamberlain9494
7Keenan Paxman9595
8Cole Paxman9797
9Joseph Hathaway101101
10Seth Lemon123123
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