MVP Circuit @ Tom Triplett Park

Saturday, July 16, 2016 at Tom Triplett in Pooler, Georgia
Disc golf singles tournament

MVP Circuit @ Tom Triplett Park graphic

About this tournament

Each player gets a player pack including a Neutron Signal fairway driver, Proton Matrix Midrange, and an Electron Spin putter to use during the singles round (red tees). The winner of the singles round will win a Black Hole Pro basket along with a metal champion disc.

After a lunch break, Putter Olympics and Driver Showcase games will be running for prizes. Awards will follow.

In addition to the great price on 3 MVP discs and the chance to win prizes, entrants will gain access to special less than retail pricing on a variety of MVP discs and gear including limited edition Watermelon Theories (don't tell Mike Atlas), metal mini drivers, their entire line of bags (!) and metal and portable baskets (!!).

If you don't want to pay the online discgolfscene/paypal fees, feel free to pay me in person before July 6th.

Refund policy

Savannah Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.



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