Lost in the Woods 2024

PDGA logoSaturday, October 12, 2024 at East Roswell Park in Roswell, Georgia
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament


Tournament DirectorJosh Knight
Assistant TDBrent Palmer
Assistant TDDom Testa

About this tournament

One Round Flex Start. Tee times every 12 minutes.

Player's pack: Gateway Custom Stamped Disc. Available molds:
Baseline Wizard
Some disc selections will come with a DiscPerfect Huck Puck.

Open Divisions:
100% of entry fees to the top 40% of the field. The last placed player who cashes will get their entry as a minimum

A Pool: MPO, MP40, MA1
B Pool: MA2, MA40, MA50
C Pool: All other MA Divisions
D Pool: FA50, FA2, FA3.
E Pool: FPO, FA1

A: Long Pads
B: Mixed Box:
C: Short Pads + Middle 8
D: Modified Short Layout
E: Modified Mixed Box

Mixed Box layout as follows:
Long: 2, 4, 6-9, 11-15.
Short: 1, 3, 5, 10, 16-18
Mixed box pads will be marked with flags for the event.

Modified Short Pad layout:
Change on 5, playing the long pad as a par 4. Playing the middle box on 8 as a par 4.

Modified Mixed box layout:
Only change is 18. Female divisions will play hole 18 from the long pad, as a par 4.

Refund policy

DiscPerfect is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.

A $5 admin fee will be deducted from all refunds within two weeks of the event start.
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