Lone Star Disc Flex Start
About this tournament
Lone Star Disc Flex Start
1 round
Burns park blue longs!
$500 ace pot!
PDGA C-tier
12pm to 4pm tee off
3 people minimum to make a card.
$25 entry for all divisions
$5 optional buy for ace pot!
PDGA digital score card code: lone star
All ams will receive a Lone Star Disc of their choice.
1 round
Burns park blue longs!
$500 ace pot!
PDGA C-tier
12pm to 4pm tee off
3 people minimum to make a card.
$25 entry for all divisions
$5 optional buy for ace pot!
PDGA digital score card code: lone star
All ams will receive a Lone Star Disc of their choice.
Refund policy
Team Lone Star Disc is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.