Locals Route Disc Golf Presents: Lucky Huck 3 (Taloali Grand Re-Opening)

PDGA C-tier

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Hosted by Locals Route Disc Golf Club


C. VanKauwenberg Connie VanKauwenberg FA1
I. Burgess Ira Burgess MM1
T. Coulam Teresa Coulam FG1
D. White Dave White MA2
A. Reese Andy Reese MA3


  • Sat
    Sep 16

    7:30am - 8:30am

    Registration / Check-in

    8:30am - 8:45am

    Players meeting

    9:00am - 12:15pm

    Tee off

    12:15pm - 12:45pm


    1:00pm - 4:30pm

    Second Round


MPO Mixed Pro Open $45
FPO Women's Pro Open $45
MPM Master $45
FPM Master Women $45
MPG GM $45
FPG GM Women $45
MPS Sr GM $45
FPS Sr GM Women $45
MA1 Mixed Am 1 $35
FA1 Women's Am 1 $35
MM1 Adv Master $35
FM1 Adv Master Women $35
MG1 Adv GM $35
FG1 Adv GM Women $35
MS1 Adv Sr GM $35
FS1 Adv Sr GM Women $35
ML1 Adv Legend $35
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $35
FA2 Women's Am 2 $35
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $35
FA3 Women's Am 3 $35
MJ1 Junior I - Boys $25
FJ1 Junior I - Girls $25
MJ2 Junior II - Boys $25
FJ2 Junior II - Girls $25
MJ3 Junior III - Boys $25
FJ3 Junior III - Girls $25
MJ4 Junior IV - Boys $25
FJ4 Junior IV - Girls $25

About this tournament

Do you like disc golf?
Do you like fun?
Well come on out to the Lucky Huck 3 presented by Locals Route Disc Golf on Saturday, September 16th!! : )
This is the Taloali Disc Golf Course Grand Re-Opening and its going to be a day to remember : )
Lucky Huck and Locals Route is all about good fun, good people, and good vibes, so come ready to have a great time on a beautiful piece of property and get ready to enjoy yourselves : )
Saturday, September 16th (1 day tourney)
C Tier                 
TD is Brady “Church” Reese – Phone: (503) 991-7391 – Email: [email redacted]
Assistant TD is David “Agro” Jackson (503) 999-6419) – Email: [email redacted]

27 hole layout (18 Hole Course and 9 hole temp course)

2 rounds (Basket positions remain the same in round 2)

Ace Pot


Ring of Fire 

Disc Golf BUMP $$ (Head to Head Putting Elimination Challenge)
Lunch (Poppa Dean’s Famous Traeger Chicken, Potato Salad, Drink) will be available for purchase (Available as option in Registration)

Raffle, DG Swag and Prizes!!
Players Pack disc will be included for Ams (Disc TBD)
Disc Golf Depot (Jerry Miller) and Locals Route Disc Golf will be on site for script!!
This is a fundraiser tournament for Camp Taloali Disc Golf Course and part of registration will go into course for maintenance and future benches!!!
Need Extra Baskets!! Please let me know if you have a metal basket that can be used for this tourney. This would be a huge help, or else we may have to use pop-up baskets : (

CTP Donations Needed!!- Does anyone have any CTPs they would like to donate? Could be anything: Disc (new or used), anything disc golf related, 6-pack of beer, gift card, etc. : )

Parking fee is included in registration fee.
Hole sponsorships available for $25 or $50 DG swag (Laminated Sign, Social Media Recognition, Players Meeting recognition (Before and after tournament)
Huge Thanks to Steve Moore and Friends for all of the hard and dedicated work they have put in day in and day out to improve this course and make it the best it can be. Come tournament day, Taloali Disc Golf Course will be in the best shape and condition it has ever been! Very exciting.
Thanks guys and keep up to good work!!
David Jackson will be handling registration, so please contact him or myself you have any questions. If you would like to sign up to help/volunteer to ensure this tournament is as smooth as possible, please contact myself or David Jackson.
Brady “Church” Reese  
(503) 991-7391
[email redacted]
David “Agro” Jackson
(503) 999-6419
[email redacted]
Thanks everyone and see you on September 16th!

Refund policy

Locals Route Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.