Weather update -
Hello competitors,
Charles McCracken here, your LR Torn ...
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Weather update -
Hello competitors,
Charles McCracken here, your LR Tornado Relief Doubles Marathon TD.
I’m writing to provide you with an update regarding the weather for this weekend’s tournament at Hindman Park.
As you know, the event is scheduled to run on two layouts at Hindman. Round one is planned to run on a Hybrid Safari layout between the East and West courses, and round two is planned to run at the pop-up course (Tees in the Trees) on the back side of the property.
We’re watching the weather now, and the forecast is projecting 2.25 inches of rain before Saturday. Hindman Park is susceptible to rain, and East and West very well may be very muddy on Saturday morning.
Depending on how much rain we get, we may adjust this plan. If there is substantial rain, we will play two rounds at the pop-up course instead of splitting between two layouts. This is because the pop-up course has better drainage and will likely be better for play if there is a large amount of rain.
I will update you again on this, likely in the afternoon on Friday. I plan to make a final call by 6:00 PM on Friday, and I will post everything online and communicate to you directly.
This event is a one-day tournament with two rounds, and it’s a priority for me that everyone has the chance to play two rounds. This backup plan will allow for that to happen.
There is a small chance that the bridge to Hindman Park floods, but it usually takes 4+ inches of rain to make that happen. At this time, I do not feel this is likely, but if it happens, I will make a judgement as to event adjustments at that time. In the rare chance that it happens, we would likely move the event to another date, and I would issue refunds to any players who couldn’t make it.
Please stay tuned and reply to this email with any questions you may have.
We look forward to hosting this event and are greatly appreciative of your participation as we raise funds for Disc Golf in Little Rock.
Charles McCracken
DSDGA President & Event Director