Let's Throw For Tyler Together

Doubles tournament

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Hosted by Harford County Disc Golf Club


  • Sat
    Jun 7

    8:00am - 9:00am

    Registration / Check-in


    Players meeting


    Tee off


MA1 Mixed Am 1 $80 / team
MA2 Mixed Am 2 $80 / team
MA3 Mixed Am 3 $80 / team

About this tournament

Tyler Anderson was an avid Disc Golfer who had a passion for working with and helping animals. Sadly Tyler was taken from us in November 2012. In memory of Tyler’s wish to support the Humane Society of Harford County we are holding this tournament. Additionally, we are returning to our roots and helping people inflicted with arthritis.
This event is open to all ages, genders, and skill levels; particularly for people that love animals and to help people inflicted with arthritis. There will also be many fun activities for those who are not playing in the tournament.
GOLD (MA1)= $80 per team (pro/advanced players)
SILVER (MA2) = $80 per team (advanced/intermediate)
BRONZE (MA3) = $80 per team (intermediate/recreation)

We strongly encourage every team to match their registration fees with donations.

Refund policy

Scarboro Hills Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.