Legends of Labyrinth

Saturday, June 14, 2025 at West Shore Community College in Scottville, Michigan
Disc golf singles tournament

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Tournament DirectorKayleen Moffitt
Assistant Tournament DirectorTyler Martinsen

About this tournament

6th Grip N Rip Series Event!

2 rounds of 24
Shotgun start
1 hour break between rounds

Check in 8am-845am
Player meeting 845am
Tee off at 9am

Long putt
Ctp for every division
Ace pool

Raffle will be after the event and tickets will be sold on cite throughout the day for $2 each.

MA1 and MA2 longs first round, shorts second round
Pros, longs both rounds
All other divisions, shorts both rounds

There are 4 berths to state championships up for grabs!
2 berths will go to the winners of the 2 divisions with the most players.
1 berth will go to the winner of the female division with the most players.
1 berth for the winner of the age protected division with the most players.

Player pack is TBA

More info for this event will be provided soon!

Pizza Hut Pizza will be available on cite in between rounds and after or $2 a slice.

This is a sanctioned event and NO CASH will be given except for the Pro fields.
Payouts are through Grip N Rip Disc Golf LLC.

Refund policy

Grip N Rip Disc Golf LLC is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. If you withdraw 7 days or more prior to the event, you will receive 75% of your registration not including the non refundable fees. If you withdraw less than 7 days from the event you will receive 50% of your registration not including the non refundable fees. If you withdraw 1 day prior to the event you will receive 25% of your registration not including the non refundable fees.


The schedule has not been posted yet.

Player Divisions & Entry Fees

$15 additional fee for players without current PDGA memberships.
For help choosing a division, see the PDGA guidelines
$55.00MPOMixed Pro Open
$55.00FPOWomen's Pro Open
$55.00MP40Mixed Pro 40+
$45.00MA1Mixed Amateur 1
$45.00FA1Women's Amateur 1
$40.00MA40Mixed Amateur 40+
$40.00FA40Women's Amateur 40+
$35.00MA50Mixed Amateur 50+
$30.00MA60Mixed Amateur 60+
$30.00FA60Women's Amateur 60+
$40.00MA2Mixed Amateur 2
$40.00FA2Women's Amateur 2
$35.00MA3Mixed Amateur 3
$35.00FA3Women's Amateur 3
$30.00MA4Mixed Amateur 4
$30.00FA4Women's Amateur 4
$25.00MJ15Mixed Junior 15
$25.00FJ15Girls' Junior 15
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