Legacy Battle of the Aces

Singles tournament

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Hosted by SUDGA - Southern Utah Disc Golf Association


  • Sat
    Sep 5

    9:15am - 9:45am

    Registration / Check-in

    9:45am - 10:00am

    Players meeting

    10:00am - 1:00pm

    Tee off


GEN General $30

About this tournament

This is two rounds. All holes under 200 feet so you make ace runs on every pin! Each player will receive a sweet players pack: 2 unreleased Legacy discs, a lanyard, coozie, and a legacy putter for only $30! Prizes available both rounds and at lunch. Player with the most aces wins big: 9 legacy discs, a legacy hat, and a towel and a legacy disc golf bag! This will be pre register so we can get the right amount of players packs. You can register at Dixie Trophy on 695 n bluff st. In st george or on here. Contact
patrik vaughn 435-553-8108 or Howard Simpson 435-215-3402 for any questions. Play with confidence and grow the sport

Refund policy

SUDGA - Southern Utah Disc Golf Association is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.