Ledgestone Triples

Saturday, April 29, 2023 at Northwood Park in Morton, Illinois
Disc golf teams tournament

Ledgestone Triples graphic


Tournament DirectorNate Heinold
Assistant Tournament DirectorJamie Kemp
OperationsJack Ressler

About this tournament

This will be our 9th annual Ledgestone Triples event taking place in Morton, IL. This is a fundraiser for the Discraft Ledgestone Open, with half of the proceeds going to the Ledgestone tournament and half going to the payout for Triples. The format will be best shot Triples, which means everyone throws every shot and you take the best shot for each throw. Its a great event that is always a lot of fun. We will be playing Northwood Black and Westwood. MA1 will play Black Longs, while all other divisions will play Black Shorts. MA1 will play Westwood longs, while all other divisions will play Westwood Shorts.

The following long tees will be used at Westwood for MA1: 1, 2, 8 (concrete path by the water tower), 11, 12, 13, 18

MA1/MA2 will play Westwood and then Northwood, while MA3/Mixed will play Northwood and then Westwood.

Refund policy

Ledgestone Insurance Open is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.



Current Standings

Round 1: Northwood Park - Black Shorts, 18 holes, par 68
Round 2: Westwood Park - Megiddo Short tees, 18 holes, par 56
1dna discgolf and their caddy6250
2disc golfing woodards6449
3shortees rat chicken sandwich7056
Round 1: Westwood Park - Megiddo Long tees, 18 holes, par 58
Round 2: Northwood Park - Black, 18 holes, par 68
1Puffy Penguins4656
2Northwoods Blackbelts4858
3The Schlefkes4763
4Doesnt Matter to me4863
5I got 5 on it5262
6tree wanderers5067
7Ham eggs and eggs5466
7big rippers5466
9parahacks and their friend matt5371
Round 1: Westwood Park - Megiddo Short tees, 18 holes, par 56
Round 2: Northwood Park - Black Shorts, 18 holes, par 68
1not on the ace4655
2abusement park4658
3off dudes4957
3tom petty and the anklebreakers4759
5local route4760
5plastic fantastic4760
7bally bombers4662
7tree amigos4761
9party hard and throw discs4762
101 800 luna4763
103 guys 1 basket5060
10powered by prodigy5060
10we suck discs4961
14best by par5061
14id hit that tree5061
163 4 jesus4864
16birdology train4864
16triple threat5260
19trilogy trio4964
20o brother were parked thou5064
20rock river disc golf5163
22help me zobi wan5067
23echo and bogeyman5465
23fish discs5366
23mac daddies5465
Round 1: Northwood Park - Black Shorts, 18 holes, par 68
Round 2: Westwood Park - Megiddo Short tees, 18 holes, par 56
2butt muppets6150
2disc golf chicago6348
4lay up and go for it6448
4lil kid and two old grumps5062
6Chain smokersq6350
6ohio river crush squad6350
6whiskey disc6548
9spin it to win it6450
10misguided misfits6451
14grant and the scorch bros6555
14knoch knolls trolls6852
14three men and a birdie6555
17discs out for harambe6853
17tree bangers6754
19the brown lines6656
20who put that tree there6657
21throws before hos7055
22unsolicted disc pics7156
22we are just doing this7057
24chain bangers7956
24nice lay7560
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