Ledgestone Flex - Eureka Permanent
About this tournament
This will be a one round flex C Tier event at the permanent course at Lake Eureka. Its happening the same day as our Kennel Lake Flex event, but we expect high demand for both events. The tournament will feature the new Lake Eureka layout. You must tee off between 9AM and 4PM and have a group of at least 3. Check in near hole 1 pavilion in the lower park. Caddy guide is listed here: https://lisopen.com/event/2020/guide/eureka-perm.pdf
MA1, MA2, MA40, MA50, MP40, MP50 play long tees on 15/16
All other divisions play short tees on 15/16
MA1, MA2, MA40, MA50, MP40, MP50 play long tees on 15/16
All other divisions play short tees on 15/16
Refund policy
Ledgestone Insurance Open is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.