Leap Day Triples

Saturday, February 29, 2020 at Jack Culverhouse DGC in Princeton, Texas
Disc golf teams tournament

Leap Day Triples graphic

About this tournament

This will be a 1 round of 20 holes.THIS IS NOT A PDGA SANCTIONED EVENT


Bring your own triples will be played as best shot. Each players gets to drive , upshot and putt. Each team will pick the best shot they choose to take.

7 CTP'S TOTAL one is a free entry fee for any Slow and Steady DG tournament. This CTP is only for Am's


If no Ace is hit we will throw off after the round. we will have 6 ctp's 3 for pros and 3 for am's. we will also have a ring of fire as always.

$5 per team will go towards club funds for Slow and Steady Team members. We are trying to send our team members to as many events possible. looking to help them with lodging and entry fees

Pro's pay out is cash. Am's pay out is merch!

Refund policy

Slow and Steady DG is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

1Ace Wall-0
1Alex Ferreira-0
1Andre Gonzalez-0
1Anthony Victoria AKA Shorty-0
1Bake Johnson-0
1Caleb Jones-0
1Daniel Vazquez-0
1David Lashua-0
1David Nelson-0
1Drew Eakins-0
1G.T. Hancock-0
1JD Rameriz-0
1John Foskey-0
1Jonie Wade-0
1Josh Johnson-0
1Justin Kerr-0
1Nathan Fisher-0
1Raul Albarez-0
1Rob Oringderff-0
1Robbie Sypert-0
1Salvatore Nappo-0
1Scott Post-0
1Sean Montgomery-0
1Seth Hardwood-0
1Shaine Power-0
1Shannon Kratzmeyer-0
1Stephen Brower-0
1Steve McDonell-0
1Tyler Trout-0
1Denise Gentry-0
1Rochelle Browning-0
1Shasta Freeman-0
1Adam Bungo-0
1Ayden Fisher-0
1Blake Collins-0
1Calen Reichman-0
1Cameron Diers-0
1Chris Vancleves-0
1Clint Brown-0
1Colby Russel-0
1Colt Redus-0
1Cory Cox-0
1Devin Brown-0
1Gavin Higgins-0
1James Blanton-0
1Jared Hiebert-0
1Jason Melvin-0
1John Stanford-0
1Mark Serres-0
1Nate Covalt-0
1Nic Havener-0
1Nick Fisher-0
1Omar Espinoza-0
1Robby Ralp-0
1Ryan Ellison-0
1Steven Brinkley-0
1Webb Spriggs-0
1Zack Brown-0
1Brad Neeley4949$170
1Chuck Martin4949$170
1Mark Reddoch4949$170
4Ben Hardman5353$125
4Jarrett Harwell5353$125
4Luis Hernandez5353$125
4Mathew Dickerson5353$125
4Samuel Lietzman5353$125
4Terry Kindley5353$125
10Austin Markway5454$110
10Cody Anderson5454$110
10Esteban Ramirez5454$110
13Aaron Eubanks-0
13Abdiel Sandoval-0
13Aleisa Poer-0
13Andrew Moore-0
13Ashton Umland-vogt-0
13Bob "I'm The Dud" Davis-0
13Bryan Obanan-0
13Cameron reed-0
13Caton Arnold-0
13Chase Underwood-0
13Chris Jamison-0
13Christian Medrano-0
13Dillon Boulin-0
13Dustin grams-0
13Ed Christman-0
13Ivan torres-0
13Jason Ahmad-0
13Jeremy Ingram-0
13Jessie "I'm A Stud" Gonzalez-0
13Jon Jernigan-0
13Jonah Jett Jernigan-0
13Jonathan Smith-0
13Jordan Maxey-0
13Jose Cruz-0
13Kenny Gordan-0
13Kirk "I'm The Other Stud" Browning-0
13Marcos Plata-0
13Marcus Fraiser-0
13Mathew BrianThe-0
13Michael Haberman-0
13Nicholas Milam-0
13Nick Pavle-0
13Patrick Shafer-0
13Pedro Gonzalez-0
13Randy Rascon-0
13Renji Celanji-0
13Richard Haberman-0
13Richie Jaimes-0
13Riley Anderson-0
13Robert Monk-0
13Rusty Mosley-0
13Scott Weatherby-0
13Tim Freeman-0
13Travis Sall-0
13Ventura Jaimes-0
13Zach Hefton-0
13Zack Prayforbirds-0
13Zander Ku-0
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