Last Chance For Points
PDGA C-tier · Sun, Dec 20, 2020Dec 2020 · Milford, MI


Dec 208:05am - 8:45am
8:05 am to 8:45 am Player Check in / (MANDATORY) / No non-registered walk ups will be allowed due to the electronic scoring set up all done in advance
9:00am - 11:45am
1st Round Tee Off & Play (Approx)
11:45am - 12:45pm
Lunch Break (approx)
1:00pm - 3:45pm
2nd Round Tee Off & Play (Approx)
4:00pm - 4:30pm
For help choosing a division, see the PDGA guidelines
MPO | Mixed Pro Open | $65 |
MA1 | Mixed Am 1 | $55 |
MA40 | Mixed Am 40+ | $50 |
MA2 | Mixed Am 2 | $50 |
MA3 | Mixed Am 3 | $45 |
FA3 | Women's Am 3 | $40 |
MA4 | Mixed Am 4 | $40 |
MJ12 | Mixed Junior 12 | $40 |
About this tournament
2 rounds of play
VENUE CHANGE TO KENSINGTON METROPARK / 2 rounds of 20 holes on North (Blue) course for MA3, MA4, MJ12, & FA3 (there will be 2 short temp holes added to the Blue course and be played after hole 18 and before hole 1)
MPO, MA1, MA2, & MA40 will play 1 round of 20 on the North (Blue) course & 1 round of 18 on the South (Green) course / AM Player Pack is DISC OF CHOICE up to $20 value / Sponsored trophies / Sponsored prizes and $$ / Christmas Gift Giveaway in which we wrap up and handout 20 disc golf disc and items via a fully sponsored drawing as our thank you for attending our events in 2020. //
MPO & MA1 = 2 rounds of longs / All other divisions 2 rounds of shorts //
OPEN & MA1 = Long Tees all day / Rd 1 18 Holes on South (Green) Course / Rd 2 20 Holes on North (Blue) Course
MA2 & MA40 = Short Tees all day / Rd 1 20 Holes on North (Blue) Course / Rd 2 18 Holes on South (Green) Course
All other divisions = Short Tees all day / Rd 1 20 Holes on North (Blue) Course / Rd 2 20 Holes on North (Blue) Course // (playing North Blue course all day)
Please PRE-PAY ONLY for the event // THANKS
** Please note your tourney entry fee includes the event pay to play fee in which $3 of your entry fee goes to the park for the daily disc golf pay to play fee.
Gate car fee of $10 is the players responsibility if you do not already have an annual Huron Clinton Pass for your car (I believe $35 and it is good thru 2021) (highly recommended the car pass for it is good for the following 4 disc golf parks in the area (Hudson Mills, Willow, Kensington, & Stony)
MPO, MA1, MA2, & MA40 will play 1 round of 20 on the North (Blue) course & 1 round of 18 on the South (Green) course / AM Player Pack is DISC OF CHOICE up to $20 value / Sponsored trophies / Sponsored prizes and $$ / Christmas Gift Giveaway in which we wrap up and handout 20 disc golf disc and items via a fully sponsored drawing as our thank you for attending our events in 2020. //
MPO & MA1 = 2 rounds of longs / All other divisions 2 rounds of shorts //
OPEN & MA1 = Long Tees all day / Rd 1 18 Holes on South (Green) Course / Rd 2 20 Holes on North (Blue) Course
MA2 & MA40 = Short Tees all day / Rd 1 20 Holes on North (Blue) Course / Rd 2 18 Holes on South (Green) Course
All other divisions = Short Tees all day / Rd 1 20 Holes on North (Blue) Course / Rd 2 20 Holes on North (Blue) Course // (playing North Blue course all day)
Please PRE-PAY ONLY for the event // THANKS
** Please note your tourney entry fee includes the event pay to play fee in which $3 of your entry fee goes to the park for the daily disc golf pay to play fee.
Gate car fee of $10 is the players responsibility if you do not already have an annual Huron Clinton Pass for your car (I believe $35 and it is good thru 2021) (highly recommended the car pass for it is good for the following 4 disc golf parks in the area (Hudson Mills, Willow, Kensington, & Stony)
Refund policy
MOB Disc Golf is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. // 100% refund up until Midnight 12/13/20 // starting 12/14/20 thru midnight 12/18/20 there will be a $5 admin fee to readjust player cards, electronic scoring, leader boards etc.. // After 12/18/20 there is no refund and your entry fee will be added to the prize payout of your division for all tourney set up will be done and payouts will be completed. We obviously will make exceptions for medical emeregencies for we want our players who want to play to be able to play who are committed to the event. However,we do not want to hold spots for non-committed players which keeps players who want to play out of the event for they have no lead time for scheduling time off just hours before the event. / Thanks