PDGA C-tier
2 rounds of 18 holes beside Lake Geiger.
1st rd.- All players play the Am tees
2nd rd. - Adv & Pro divisions will play pro tees on holes 1,2,4,6,7,9,11 & 17
4 pin placement changes also. Holes 5, 12, 14 & 18 will change locations
All Junior, Novice & Recreational players get a $9 voucher at sign up.
All Advanced & Intermediate div.’s get their choice of a 2018 Tour Series disc from Innova while sponsorship money lasts.
1st registered - 1st served These include Sexton Firebirds, Anthon Destroyers, McPro Aviars, etc....
Safari Final 4 for the top 3 ADVANCED players (masters divisions included) for continuation of score to determine the champion.