Lake Chabot New Years Classic 2022 driven by Innova
Comments 105 following
About this tournament
John Price January 11, 2022 at 11:55pm
Did you need to be present for the raffle?
Dane DeMattei January 10, 2022 at 5:09pm
How do we use our script after the payment is posted?
You'll get an email from OTB telling you how much $$$$ you have and a code to use.
Geoff Goss January 8, 2022 at 5:01am
As a NOTICE for tomorrow:
Ties for getting into the final round on the Lake Course and ties for 1st after the final round will be held on the Lake Course. Hole One and Hole Nine, repeating (1,9,1,9,etc)
andrew wolverton January 8, 2022 at 12:53am
Wondering what the contingency plan is in case we run out of daylight, despite playing as quickly as possible...
Hey Andrew. Right now the plan is to play lo later than 5:30pm If your group does not complete your final hole, keep your PDGA live scoring app open and do not finish your round. You will need to show up early on Sunday and complete your final hole/holes. This is only a contingency. The plan is ... more
Dan Warburton January 7, 2022 at 11:56pm
Is there room for disc golf carts in the ball golf carts that we'll take out to our starting holes?
There's room for one cart per vehicle. Any more than that gets sketchy. Hopefully your cart mate has a bag. Otherwise switch golf carts with someone from your starting hole..
Jan Vejsada January 7, 2022 at 8:01pm
Are spectators allowed?
Yes! However, please be aware of your surroundings. Lots of safe places to watch, but maybe best to follow a group so as to stay out of the field of play.
J Michael Neal January 7, 2022 at 6:14pm
Hey Steve and team, I submitted for withdrawal and refund but looks like it didn't get processed and I'm still on a starting hole. Looks like there are still people on the waitlist and I want to make sure that spot does not go to waste.
Dane DeMattei January 7, 2022 at 3:10pm
Will starting holes and cards be sent out today?
Starting holes are posted on the LCNYC facebook page and were also sent out to you in the player's meeting email earlier today. Please check you email to insure that you have all the info you need. Thanks!
Nick Pantages January 7, 2022 at 7:27am
No '2 meter', a la Innova; correct?
Jeff Munsch January 5, 2022 at 8:18pm
In the caddy book on hole 13 Hills has a section to the right that is marked like OB but has no wording to say so. Is this area flagged or staked to mark an OB or hazard area? Just wanted to clarify before the event. Thanks, looking forward to this weekend.
The caddybook has been updated if you re-download. Thanks for catching that oversight!
Jeffrey McCormick January 4, 2022 at 2:34am
Anyone have a couch to crash on for Thursday night?
Robert Diamond January 4, 2022 at 2:17am
How will it work with the carts? Sharing a cart with another player on your card?
Carts are to drive to starting hole and come back from ending hole. Not used during the round
Roger is correct, they are only used to get folks out to the course for shotgun start. Due to the nature of the course (mostly off cart paths), wet weather, and the actual number of carts available at the course, we cant use them during play.
Damn! ... I was looking forward to not walking lol ... thanks for the clarification.
John Price January 4, 2022 at 2:12am
Are caddies allowed?
You can have a caddy join you but they will not be able to ride in the cart out to your starting hole, or back (not enough carts). So they might end up walking a while.
Armando Villanueva January 2, 2022 at 6:56am
Is the number of sponsor spots full for MPO?
Taylor yemm December 29, 2021 at 1:17am
Will refunds be issued automatically if I can’t be added from the waitlist? Currently 15th in line.
Yes, folks can stay on waitlist up until the event starts (sometimes folks get in last minute who are on site). After that all waitlist players are fully refunded (minus non-retrievable fees).
So being 2nd on the waitlist in my division, guess I show up if I don’t hear I’m in first
Jon Braidman December 26, 2021 at 1:26am
I think it's unlikely that we will be able to add more spots in any division between now and the event. That said, people always drop out!
And if they don’t drop till the day of or don’t check in without notifying you of dropping, will you take waitlist people who show up in the order they are on the waitlist?
Generally waitlist people who show up check in Saturday AM, and yes they are offered open spots in order from the waitlist within each division. If no alternates are available in a specific division, and you are eligible, you can switch divisions to get in at that point.
If I remember correctly, we got a few in last minute like this each year we ran this event.
David Terrell December 25, 2021 at 9:40pm
When will the waitlisted people know if more spots in their field are opening up?
Roger Vartabedian December 24, 2021 at 6:52pm
I noticed on the map there are some holes with tee and short tee. Can you provide information on who would be teeing from the short and who will use the regular?
Players in specific divisions are being offered a choice (popular vote). It is likely that FPO, FP40, FA2, FA1. AM2, FA1 will use them
That is awesome. They will certainly like the option for a shorter hole
John O December 8, 2021 at 1:22am
Open 4 more MPG, bigger field.
Nothing wrong with the suggestion. Playing in California you get used to robust MP50 fields. Hard to see it capped at half of mp40. We’ll see how it all shakes out as fields are adjusted.
Thanks Robert for sharing the same, were are now at 12. See you there.
Chris Blandford December 7, 2021 at 4:30am
Strange how MA2 went from 6/6 to 8/8 and my waitlist #9 never changed....
As I mentioned above this is a bug in Dgscene and no one was intentionally able to bypass the waitlist.We'll rectify this as soon as dgscene gets back to us.
OK. THX for the info....Cheers. Seems like the process just needs to be sorted out a bit.
Thank you for rectifying the issue. Having patience paid off!
You'll go to and use the code when you make your purchase. Good Playing with you this weekend!