This is the 5th year of the Lake Chabot New Years Classic with our biggest field yet! Video footage from Local Route Productions.
Divisions that don't fill by Dec 16th will be converted into other divisions that have waitlisted players.
2021 New Years Classic Tournament Health & Safety Policy
Anyone who is in a high-risk category as noted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or is feeling any symptoms should not participate.
Social Distancing:
The number of participants will be 208 players and staff of 12, including spotters, starters and marshalls. There will be no more than four players in any one group with all participants required to practice physical distancing.
Participants are asked to observe social distancing measures and all mandates to include staying a minimum of 6’ apart. Wearing of face masks will be required at all times you are not on the teebox, at your lie, eating or drinking or, during the round, at least 30 feet from any other person. Failure to do so will be a courtesy violation.
As Tournament Directors, we advise players to avoid congregating in any area (parking lot, practice baskets, bathroom areas, staffing area, etc.) Please do not arrive to the Golf Course more than 30 minutes prior to your tee time and do not stay at the course for more than 30 minutes after your round.
We are providing all event information (course rules, FAQs, etc.) by email and Facebook to avoid the need for larger gatherings like player meetings. All awards, prizes and trophies will be distributed by mail or digitally.
Scores, Equipment & Water
Event scoring and hole assignments are being handled electronically through PDGA live scoring. The players in a group may agree on a single player to keep score electronically and another player should keep a paper score card. At the end of the round, digital scores should be verified by checking the paper card and then submitted electronically. Mobile devices should not be shared among players.
Participants should not touch discs, bags, carts, or any other property belonging to another participant. Participants should bring and control their own food and water for the entire round. Players should carry as much water on the round as they can reasonably manage.
Players should consider uniquely marking their discs on both the top and the bottom of the discs, thereby helping to identify the owner of a disc without the need for someone to touch it to flip it over.
Players should clear their disc from a target before another player putts out. A player should not putt into a target that already has another disc within it.
Players should carefully remove their disc from a target and avoid touching any surface of the target while doing so.
Refund processed.