For help choosing a division, see the PDGA guidelines
› Players must provide their PDGA number if they have one, even if membership has expired. CM 2.02.F
› A PDGA number is required to accept any cash prize. CM 1.10.A
+ $15 additional fee for all players without PDGA membership through 2025.Renew your PDGA membership or join the PDGA
Cash CTP's
Cash Ace Fund
Send logo / sign info to [email protected]
Available until May 1 at 12:00am EDT
Tex is an understable fairway flight numbers 6/5/-3/1 Cactus is a reliable Control driver flight numbers 10/5/-2/2
Charlie plastic is a translucent plastic reserved only for special events or to commemorate achievements the desperado is a 9/5/-2/1
Tournament refund / cancellation policy Chain Hawks DGC is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. Any player who officially request to withdraw from the event before 04/19/25 will receive a 100% cash refund minus the Disc Golf Scene transaction fee. Any withdrawals on or after 04/19/25 AND spot is not filled from waitlist, TD has the choice to provide either a 25% cash refund OR just the player’s pack the player would have received if they had attended, not including lunch (minus any shipping fees). Waitlist and registration closes May 1, 2025 at 8:00pm. PDGA Refund Policy - refund policy charges a non-refundable handling fee of $1.84 per registration.