Women's only one day two round tournament at Seven Oaks Disc Golf Course.
Check-in: 8:30 a.m.-9:15 a.m.
First round: 9:30 a.m.
Second round: Hour after last card
Open Women $40
Open Masters Women $40
Open Grandmasters Women $40
Advanced Master Women $20
Advanced Women $20
Intermediate Women $20
Recreational Women $20
Junior Girls $20
Trophy only
First 12 ladies that sign up will receive a handmade
mosquito repellent bracelet.
First 15 ladies that sign up will receive a handmade clay mini.
First 30 ladies that sign up will receive a microfiber towel from our sponsor ESC Lab Sciences.
Everyone will receive $5 Moe's Bucks
Everyone will receive a handmade
foot soak.
All handmade items have been prepared by The Ladies of Music City Disc Golf​.
When registering there is an option to purchase lunch to eat at the course, which will be catered from Moe's Southwest Grill.
To keep in the spirit of our first women's tournament last year, the first round will be a mixed card and the second round will be by score within your own division.
Be sure to join our event page at: