LDGA Start-2-Summer BYOP FUNdraiser
Comments 31 following
About this tournament
Zhen Hughes May 22, 2021 at 9:16pm
When will results be posted
Lyndon Schwartz May 22, 2021 at 1:44am
If any more spots are open this evening for MA3 we would like to move up. Team name Chili Smashers. If not, we will stay in MA4. Thanks
Mike Lyon May 21, 2021 at 1:08am
For Hole #3 at Eagle's Nest the OB is road or surrounded by water. Is that the paved road or the side trail that we walk on the right of the pond?
i meant the paved road behind the tee box, i assume people will play around the long way, and that will bring the road into play more. wanted to cover all the bases
Alright cool, figured that was the case with a MA4 division being played.
Rod Kaiser May 18, 2021 at 4:06pm
My partner and I would prefer to play MA3 but if everything is filled up we will stay in MA4
hey i was able move you to MA3, that makes you start at a different course now so please confirm you received this. you will now start at Eagles nest
Justin Sartin May 17, 2021 at 2:07pm
I Facebook messaged you if u can get back to me ASAP.
Landon Morucci May 16, 2021 at 9:06pm
Will any more spots be opened in rec if more people don’t sign up because me and my partner live about 3 hours away and we wanna make plans if we will be playing (also my partner commented to be moved to rec waitlist awhile ago and we never got moved) thanks!
just had some people drop. im about to move things around now and squeeze in as many people as i can for sure
check to see if the updates where made correctly, but i think you guys are in
Stefan Gustovich May 14, 2021 at 12:06pm
I'm signed up in MA 40 but Chris Acquista cannot play. Can I swap him with David Wiemer on the wait list? He is under 40 so can you move us to another division
To clarify, I would be joining up with Stefan. Ideally we would play Rec if there is room there. After the switch, you can remove my team with Blake Tippie, as he can no longer play.
Rod Kaiser May 10, 2021 at 9:44pm
Are more spots going to be opened up for novice and rec if the capacity isn’t hit for the tournament?
Thomas Wimbish May 5, 2021 at 8:45pm
When will the schedule for the event be posted?
i apologize, i working some insane hours, ( currently answering this from work) i have everything typed up, waiting to hear back from vendors and i will post
Charles stanforth May 5, 2021 at 6:51pm
Is this just a woman's tournament or can guys play in this to
everyone is welcome. LDGA stands for " Lancaster Disc golf allaince"
David Hayman May 4, 2021 at 11:29pm
Yeah that's a bummer if we aren't doing 1 round at each course but I understand and appreciate the effort to run the event regardless!
t seems as though that is he overwhelming feeing, I'm going to post updated info on saturday, we may switc
That would be awesome and if switched then you can fill the 144 spots easier as both courses have to be played once anyways. Again thanks for all your efforts, I know it's not easy running one of these.
Justin Sartin May 4, 2021 at 5:28pm
I can’t reply to ur comment on my phone , so this is 2 rounds at ONE course then?.
If so what course is MA2 playing compared to MA1 or open.
If I can only play one all day I’d rather It be eagles ..
Figured we was getting both courses when I signed up.
ill be posting updated info and all the course particulars this weekend
Rod Kaiser May 3, 2021 at 9:32pm
Can you put me on the MA3 waitlist. Also if more people don’t sign up are more spots going to be added to MA3 and MA4?
Justin Sartin April 16, 2021 at 1:21am
What’s in the player packs
sorry i tried to respond on my phone a few days ago and it was not working.
being as this is a fundraiser the player pack is going to be a small item, im trying to find somthing small that we can customize with the eevnt logo, but itmust be cost effective. ill know more in just a few days
Heath Neldon March 27, 2021 at 3:14pm
Are we switching courses or 2 rounds at the same course based on division?
we will have to have 2 TDs regardless. i will be finalizing the layouts and format this week!
Are the details posted anywhere yet? Also, it doesn't shoe courage and I's pdga#s. Mine is 133441 and courage's is 132002.
Charles Anderson March 19, 2021 at 1:04pm
How do you want the people the preregistered to pay without reregistering for the tournament?
send the $60 to [email redacted] with a note with your names or team name please
DETROIT Duchon March 19, 2021 at 1:01am
Buddy and Jeff ;-D
Charles Anderson March 16, 2021 at 1:08pm
Caleb Hemming and Charles Anderson
M4 Team: Fat Army Guys
Douglas Craiglow March 16, 2021 at 11:29am
Rylan Craiglow & Doug Craiglow
Team: Rummy Kings
Douglas Craiglow
Unfortunately I have 2 softball games on Saturday. So Rylan Craiglow and I are out (Rummy Kings - Ma4).
Have fun and good luck to all teams.
Valiant Woodward March 16, 2021 at 10:01am
Myself and courage. M4
Usually just the actual road. The safe play around the pond is in play.