Knollwood Backwoods Open

Doubles tournament

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Hosted by Spinlab (Knollwood)


  • Sat
    Aug 1

    9:00am - 10:00am

    Registration / Check-in

    10:00am - 10:15am

    Players meeting


    Tee off


MIX Mixed Teams $40 / team
GEN General $40 / team

About this tournament

Back to the woods for the annual Knollwood Backwoods Open, presented by Spinlab DGC! It's time for two rounds of bring your own partner doubles action as we raise money for brand new baskets at the park.

This event is a two-division, co-ed event, all ages and skill levels are welcome. The divisions are "Open", for the more skilled players, and "Recreational", for players that are just looking to have some fun, and maybe win a little cash! Entry for both divisions is $40 per team ($20 per player), and $5 of each team's entry will go toward the Knollwood Improvement Fund to help us reach our goal of purchasing new baskets for the course. The rest of the cash will be divided for payouts in each division, the number of paid spots depends entirely on the number of players registered. There is also an optional ace pool set at $5 per person. In the event of no aces during play, a closest to the pin throwoff will determine the winner(s).

No tricks, no gimmicks, just some good, old-fashioned doubles disc golf fun!

Paid pre-registration is available in-person and online at and will include the opportunity to pay into the optional ace pool!

Refund policy

Spinlab (Knollwood) is responsible for all refunds/cancelations.