Chris roseboom
Hope everyone had fun! Jack Roseboom never made it off the waitlist but I never received a refund? Have the PayPal receipt if you need Sep 30, 2020
James Meekins Sep 30, 2020Sorry for the delay refund has been issued.
Andy Roth
This was a great tournament and the course was fantastic. Thanks to everyone involved! Sep 27, 2020
Chris roseboom
Dang! First on the waitlist! Finally giving up and making other plans. Good luck to all. Jack Roseboom out! Sep 26, 2020
Chris roseboom
Can we move Jack Roseboom to MA3 for a slim but better chance of getting in. I tried to find a way to change it but was unable to. He can be ready to go as late as an hour before “tee time” if there are any last minute changes. We are only 15” away. Thanks Sep 21, 2020
James Meekins Sep 22, 2020The waitlist is not based on division but order in which someone signed up. Do you still want them moved?