Welcome to our annual "The Goose" tournament in Lakeview, Oregon! Sponsored by KORV 93.5 FM "THE GOOSE", and hosted by Level 48 DGC. Join us for a casual, but competitive day of disc golf!
PLEASE be sure to have a Udisc profile and app downloaded for scoring! The free version is all you need. Register on Udisc, pay morning of the event at the course. (Cash only please!) Thank you!
We will be playing 2 rounds of singles stroke play, in 3 different divisions: Advanced, Intermediate, and Ladies. For the first time, we will be playing each round in a different layout utilizing the brand new B positions just added in June! Exciting! ALSO a first, I'm going to set up digital scoring through the Udisc app to make all our lives easier! ALL players will need to download the FREE Udisc app to their phone and create a profile for this to work. Again, the free version is totally acceptable, and will save me a TON of time during the event!
Registration will be open by 8am @ the course. It will be CASH ONLY PLEASE. With your registration fee you will receive a player pack worth around the fee cost, plus a few closest to the pin chances per division, and the winner of each division will receive a sweet trophy!
As always, we are going to run a tourney $5 ACE POT. It's totally optional, and the person that gets a hole in one will win the cash! Multiple aces will split pot, and if no aces we will do a CTP after round 2 to determine a winner, decided by the TD.
There is going to be a big raffle. $2 per ticket, or 6 tickets for $10. Prizes will include discs, a disc golf back pack, and a DD Marksman basket! Plus anything else I can get my hands on! Should easily be OVER $600 in prizes, so pick up as many tickets as you can! Tickets will be sold prior to round 1 and during lunch break.
This is our clubs main fundraising event for the year. It helps us pay for course upgrades and our annual Ice Bowl charity events in February. We can't thank KORV enough for making this happen every year. It's always a ton of fun, and helps grow the sport in Lake County!