
Junkyard Open III

PDGA C-tier · Sun, Jul 28, 2024Jul 2024 · Moorhead, MN

This tournament has been canceled.
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Michael Anderson I am sorry to hear that this is cancelled. I honestly didn't know it was happening (MN tourney, didn't look) If people are wanting to travel to Bismarck, let me know ASAP and I'll figure a way to get people in. Jul 26
Brett Burch Im canceling this event! Everyone has been refunded. Gonna give it until tomorrow night to make sure all the refunds process properly. Then ill hit the cancel button! Jul 25
Brett Carlsrud Hey Brett, I thought I saw registration was open until Saturday I was gonna register Friday, is it too late to get in? Jul 25
Brett Burch Jul 25 Im canceling the event.
Zachary Gabbard Kathy! Yes the inactive Woodlawn pro map is the layout for the tournament! Jul 23
Brett Burch Jul 24 it is now active, flagged and practicable playing at flags. we cleaned up some rough areas today.
Kathy “Katnip” Hardyman Is the Woodlawn Pro map on UDisc the correct layout? Jul 23
Mike Loth I don't see a start time noted. Jul 21
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