Junior Evolution / Future of Disc Golf Qualifier

PDGA C-tier · Juniors

Saturday, May 31, 2025

Hosted by Disc Golf Zen

Part of Future Disc Golf Qualifier Events

Online registration opens
March 10 at 8:00pm EDT


  • Sat
    May 31

    9:30am - 10:00am

    Meet and Greet (Check in)

    10:00am - 10:10am

    Players Meeting

    10:20am - 1:20pm

    Start for round one.

    1:30pm - 1:50pm

    Awards for Purple, J06, J08, J10 players and raffle

    2:00pm - 4:45pm

    Start for J12, J15 and J18 round 2 (approximate)

    5:00pm - 5:30pm

    Awards for J12, J15, J18 (Or 15 minutes after the final card finishes.)


TSP Tee Sponsor Player $25
TSN Tee Sponsor Non-Player $25
BSP Birdie Sponsor Player $100
BSN Birdie Sponsor Non-Player $100
ESP Eagle Sponsor Player $500
ESN Eagle Sponsor Non-Player $500
MP18 Mixed Pro 18 & Under $45
FP18 Women's Pro 18 & Under $45
MJ18 Mixed Junior 18 $45
FJ18 Girls' Junior 18 $45
MJ15 Mixed Junior 15 $45
FJ15 Girls' Junior 15 $45
MJ12 Mixed Junior 12 $45
FJ12 Girls' Junior 12 $45
MJ10 Mixed Junior 10 $30
FJ10 Girls' Junior 10 $30
MJ08 Mixed Junior 8 $30
FJ08 Girls' Junior 8 $30
MJ06 Mixed Junior 6 $30
FJ06 Girls' Junior 6 $30
RAG Purple [rating <800] $30

About this tournament

Junior Evolution / Future of Disc Golf Qualifier is a PDGA-sanctioned one-day, two-round Juniors C-tier singles tournament at Westy Acres in Greenfield, MA, on Saturday, May 31st, 2025. Single-round play is also available in some divisions. See below for information on the Future of Disc Golf Qualifier event.

All skill and experience levels are welcome and encouraged to participate.
Please ensure you register for the age that the player will be at the end of the calendar year, or for an older division if they want to play multiple rounds on the longer layouts. See LAYOUTS below for details.

All junior divisions will be available. Juniors rated under 800 of any age who want to play one round on the Purple tees may also compete in the RAG division.

Westy 18 Hole Tournament Layout
Two rounds on White Tees - MP18, MJ18, MJ15
Two rounds on Red Tees - FP18, FJ18, FJ15, MJ12
Two rounds on Purple Tees - FJ12
Single round on Purple Tees - MJ10, MJ08, MJ06, FJ10, FJ08, FJ06, RAG

$40 entry per player for MP18, FP18, MJ18, FJ18, MJ15, FJ15, MJ12, FJ12
$25 entry per player for all other divisions
$3 per player entry goes to the PDGA

Future Disc Golf Qualifier Information
This is a Junior Qualifier event. Instead of payout, we provide travel assistance for the winners of each division. This is a True Amateur event that will not have any payout. It will be a competition to see who the best junior players are regardless of amateur/professional standing. Advancing will not affect a player's amateur status.

PDGA Points: Ams will earn PDGA points against Ams. Pros will earn PDGA points against pros. Everyone will play together in one division with the winner(s) advancing.

MJ18 / FJ18 - All juniors under 18 (as of 12/31/2025) are welcome to compete in these divisions. PDGA members who are classified as professionals should register as MP18/FP18. The Tournament Director will move you into the appropriate division (MJ18 or FJ18) before the event. This workaround process has been approved by the PDGA.

MJ15 / FJ15 - These are pure amateur divisions. If you are a junior and have turned pro, you will be playing in the MP18 or FP18 division.

MJ12 / FJ12 - These, and other age-protected junior divisions, may be offered at a reduced entry fee. Players will not qualify for the next event level.

FDG Disc 1
FDG Disc 2
FDG Disc 3
FDG Disc 4
FDG Disc 5
FDG Disc 6
FDG Mini
Optional FDG T-Shirt (+$10)
and more!

More information about the Future of Disc Golf series can be found here: https://www.futurediscgolf.com/post/north-american-qualifiers

Every child under the age of 13 must have a parent or legal guardian accompany them on the course. Cards will be arranged by division. If you are a parent with multiple children playing, please let us know ASAP, and the cards can be planned to accommodate.


Refund policy

All refunds will follow the PDGA Policy in 1.03 of the Competition Manual (https://www.pdga.com/rules/competition-manual/103).
There will be no refunds issued after registration is closed.
All non-participant sponsor fees are non-refundable.

Disc Golf Zen is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.