Jonesboro Open Warm Up #3

PDGA logoThursday, April 21, 2022 at Disc Side of Heaven in Jonesboro, Arkansas
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament


Tournament DirectorEli Webb

About this tournament

Jonesboro Warm Up #3

1 round flex start PDGA C-tier
April 20th
Disc Side of Heaven Rec Course

$20 entry fee (+$10 for non PDGA members)

PDGA Live scoring will be used

Cards will need a minimum of 3 people and maximum of 5 to start a round.

Pros- Via PayPal
Ams- Top 45% of divisions (Any winnings not claimed by end of day April 24th 2022 will be relinquished by the player) Please check PDGA or Discgolfscene for published results. I will also have a spreadsheet with results all weekend long.

Eli Webb will handle all the payouts and refunds following this event. I will be setup at Craighead Forest Park on the 20th and Disc Side of Heaven on the 21st, then Craighead through the end of the weekend.

Refund policy

Eli Webb is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.

Once a player begins his/her round, there will be no refunds given for any reason. If a player has to quit due to injury, illness, or an emergency during their round, a score of 999 will be assessed for not finishing the event as long as the Tournament Director is notified. If a player walks off the course in the middle of their round and fails to tell the Tournament Director or any of the tournament staff, the player will receive an 888.
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