Jomez Productions Fundraiser Final 9 Tournament

Tuesday, August 22, 2017 at Hudson Springs Park in Hudson, Ohio
Disc golf singles tournament

Jomez Productions Fundraiser Final 9 Tournament graphic


Tournament DirectorAlex Colucci
Tournament DirectorCody Dockrill
Tournament DirectorChris Warfield

About this tournament

This 18-hole mini-tournnament is a flex start from 10am-5pm. After 18 holes the top 4 players and 1 player who wins the raffle will play in a filmed Final 9 starting between 6:30/7pm. 5pm is the latest you can tee off, so plan to arrive at least by that time.

$15 per person to play in the flex-start 18-hole mini. The top 50% of the field is paid out in Jomez Pro plastic.

This is a way for Jomez Productions to give fans a chance to get on video while featuring local clubs and courses, and doing a bit of fundraising for their tour.

If you would like to attend please comment with your name and PDGA# or the email address you use for disc golf scene. This will help us gauge the potential number of attendees.

Jomez Productions:



Final 9 Safari Layout:

Hole 1: 1 tee to 2 basket
Hole 2: 4 long
Hole 3: 5 tee to 7 basket
Hole 4: Regular 8
Hole 5: 9 tee to practice basket
Hole 6: 10 tee to 18 basket
Hole 7: Regular 11
Hole 8: 12 tee to 17 basket
Hole 9: Regular 18


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