Johnny Appleseed Open sponsored by DYNAMIC DISCS
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Chris Mahaffey Sticky September 18 at 7:59pm
OB sheet.
Hole 1-6 no ob. Enjoy
Hole 7 on or over any asphalt
Hole 8 no ob
Hole 9 on or over any asphalt. OB line for the extra parking lot beside hole 10.
Hole 10 on or over any asphalt
Hole 11 on or over any asphalt
Hole 12 on or over any asphalt
Holes 13 and 14 NO OB
Hole 15 mando right and fairway divider between 15 and 17.
Hole 16 No OB
Hole 17 Mando right and fairway divider that follows all the way up to the road.
Hole 18. Mando left at the 4th bird house down the fairway. ...
Chris Mahaffey September 21 at 3:57pm
Round 2 tee off 1:00pm
Brian Stang September 21 at 1:09am
Can two MPO players still sign up?
Dave Miller September 20 at 7:31pm
Lost a green Pyro on hole 7. Left side of fairway
Richard D Newman September 20 at 6:08pm
Too late to book a food truck?
Steven Norstrom September 19 at 8:00pm
Lost a Discraft Drive (light blue) in the tall grass on the left side of 4.
I will take a look tomorrow when we finish setting up the course.
The drive has been found. It's in my bag. I will have it tomorrow.
Chris Mahaffey September 19 at 10:01am
Registration will be open until Friday at 3pm.
Richard D Newman September 18 at 7:44pm
Is there going to be any OB?
The will definitely be ob. Not as much as I normally do but yes there will.
Andy Mitchell September 17 at 6:40pm
Are the pars the same as what’s on UDisc? Some of the holes are showing par 3’s where it seems like it ought to be 4’s
No. Udisc has been acting weird. I've adjusted it twice to no avail. But I'm still working on it.
Richard D Newman September 17 at 3:26am
Are the baskets in the pin locations for the tournament currently? Trying to plan a practice round.
Ryan Indorf September 15 at 10:51pm
Could you move me into MA2?
Ryan Indorf
Dennis Sherwood September 15 at 8:35pm
When does registration close don’t get paid till Friday also are there food options nearby or should I pack
Unless Chris is doing lunch for people again, you should pack. The course is really in the middle of nowhere
Hey Dennis. Downtown is 9 min away from the park. The Johnny Appleseed Festival will be going on and they will have vendors. Also a subway downtown. The hardest part may be parking. I'm figuring out that situation this week. There is a McDonald's and taco bell 11 min away in the furth ... more
Also registration closes Thursday evening. However just reach out to me on Friday on Facebook and I can get you taken care of.
Scott Ricciardi September 15 at 7:11pm
Hello Chiropractic would like to sponsor if not too late.
Dave Miller September 9 at 3:29pm
I never played a tournament so I signed up for MA 3. Hope that's the proper one
With never playing a tournament before signing up for ma3 is a good starting ground. So welcome to you first tournament.
Joseph Schank August 18 at 2:01am
What layouts we looking at?
Jonathan owens August 3 at 1:51pm
Unfortunately I will not be able to attend the date
Nathan Horovitz July 31 at 2:04pm
I would not be able to play on a Saturday because of work which is why a signed up for the Sunday tournament
Chris Mahaffey July 31 at 12:30pm
Hello players. For this if you who have signed up already thank you, we appreciate you. That being said we are working on sponsors to get you all a higher payout, Pro and amateur. We are thinking of moving the event to September 21st which would be the same weekend as the Johnny Appleseed festival in down town Lisbon. Give us some feedback please on whether you would still be able to attend the event and if that date works for you. We're doing our best to get more people involved to give you the best event that we can. Thank you all again.
I know this will effect some of you but we will be moving the event to the 21st to coincide with the Johnny Appleseed festival. I do apologize for any inconvenience it may cause but for those signed up and cannot make it on that date just send your request for cancelation and I will take care of it ... more
Thank you for coming. Glad you enjoyed the event.