Jingle all the Chains

Saturday, December 26, 2020 at Tom Triplett in Pooler, Georgia
Disc golf singles tournament

Added cash $25

About this tournament

One round from the red tees.
Divisions will be broken into Pro/Am/Newbie
Ma2 and Ma3 are considered Am. MA4 is considered newbie. Don’t be a bagger!!
Non-sanctioned so bring some of your favorite soda pops for you and your friends!
First 20 registrants get a free pint glass!!!

Refund policy

Savannah Disc Golf Club is responsible for all refunds and cancellations.


Final Results

Round 1: Tom Triplett - Red, 18 holes, par 55
1Mike Wade4949
2Collin Pike5050
3Matthew Bealka5151
4Chris Hannigan5252
5Adam Howard5353
6Ryan Hartig5353
7Jason Seger5454
8David Claeys5555
8Steven Crout5555
10Abraham Garza5757
10Brian Fitzpatrick5757
12Ben Ward5858
13Benjamin Schulte5959
14Eduardo Sanchez6161
14Rob Mater6161
16Clovis Jackson6262
17Daniel Gose6565
17Leonardo Martinez6565
19Micah Petzold6666
19Travis Williams6666
21Joshua Nugent7070
22Bradley Seuntjens-0
22Riley Scheyder-0
Round 1: Tom Triplett - Red, 18 holes, par 55
1Jacob Shepherd5454
2Paul Neugebauer6363
3Big Country6666
Round 1: Tom Triplett - Red, 18 holes, par 55
1Christian Scholar5050
2Bart Altman5454
3Filip Thurston5858
4Sean Austin5959
5Brandon Cropley6161
5Fred Geer6161
5Jacob Jackson6161
8Allen Battles6262
8William Lee6262
10Nathan Mullenax6363
11David Bradley6464
12Josh Boatrighy6666
13Chris Webster6969
13Hunter M6969
Round 1: Tom Triplett - Red, 18 holes, par 55
1Elijah Roberts5959
1Gregory Lachowsky5959
1James McIntyre5959
4Rhett Harris6060
5Eric Campbell6262
5Michael Ohler6262
7Scott Mccrary6363
8Kyle Kennedy6464
9Bear Roberts6565
9Mark Boyd6565
11Pete Clifton6666
12Willie Harris6868
13Alex Crawford6969
13Logan Lawson6969
16Craig Page7272
17Douglas Sharp7575
Round 1: Tom Triplett - Red, 18 holes, par 55
1Valerie Williams6262
2Michelle LeFrancois6464
3Shelby Dowling6969
4Jessica Mayers7171
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