Iron Thrown 22 Points Series - Flex Event 3

PDGA logoSat-Sun, June 18-19, 2022 at George Ward Park in Birmingham, Alabama
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

Iron Thrown 22 Points Series - Flex Event 3 graphic


Tournament DirectorBen Swam

About this tournament

Updated Standings for the Series can be found here:

The 3rd of 5 Flex Start events on the #IronThrown 22 Disc Golf Tour - Presented by Dynamic Discs Iron City!

Stop #3 @ George Ward Park in Birmingham, AL

1 Flex Start Round of 18 holes. All divisions will play the same layout.

Rounds must be started between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm on Saturday 6/18/22 or Sunday 6/19/22. Minimum of 3 players, Maximum of 5 players, per card.

All PDGA rules will be in effect with the exception of the two-meter rule.

Ace Pot will be $5. If no Ace is hit during the round, it will push to the next Tour stop/event.

A portion of each player's entry will be carried forward to the series finale in October.

Points can be earned for playing the event and for finishing position in your division. All points from any tour stop carry forward to the finale. However, you must play at least 3 of the 5 events to qualify for overall winner trophies and prizes.

Once players select a division for the series, they must continue to play in that division for all events or forfeit points earned in previous events. Players will be allowed to play in the division that they initially qualified for, through the duration of the Tour.

Professional divisions will pay out cash at each event with $11 removed from each entry to carry $9 to the finale and $2 for PDGA fees.

Amateur divisions will receive a player pack and will payout merchandise to the top finishing 45% of the field, by division, at each event through Dynamic Discs Iron City vouchers with $11 removed from each entry to carry $9 to the finale and $2 for PDGA fees.

Points standings will be released after each Tour stop

You may also sign up at the event with cash.

Future event dates:

Event 4 - 8/20-8/21
Event 5 (Finale) - 10/8-10/9

Refund policy

Dynamic Discs Iron City is responsible for all refunds/cancellations.


Final Results

PDGA results at
1Chris Browning4545$144
2Stewart Garner4747$79
2Tim Keith4747$79
4Michael W Davis4949$49
5Andrew Letson5050
6Deston Bailey5353
7Robbie Crawford5555
8Alex Brown5757
9Anthony Smith5858
1Taco Acosta5252$122
2James Blanchard5353$73
3Reed Irvine5656
4Scott Shaggy Homberg5757
5Aaron Sims5858
1Anna Pinter5757$39
1Cliff Smith4848$38
2David Dennis5151$27
3Chris Huff5252$19
3Robby Friar5252$19
5Garrett Creamer5353$14
6Alex Cape5454$6
6James Buxton5454$6
6Will Hudson5454$6
9Jake Reynolds5656
10Bryan Whitworth5757
10Kevin Osornio5757
10Solomon Purdy5757
13Jacob Booth5858
13Jacob Gunter5858
15Steven Thompson5959
1Chris Pierce5454$30
2Randy Webb5555$19
3Joel Snead5656$14
4Bo Shirey5757$9
5Scott Burdette5959
6Jason Swam6161
6Leland Garrigan6161
8Brian Moon6464
1Lawrence Hinkle5353$26
2Bill Waycaster5555$16
3Alan Hester5959$12
4Ben Swam6161$9
5Paul Randall6363
6David Crauswell6565
6Joe Carton6565
1Brian Thompson5555$17
2Ron Olsen6161$10
1Justin Randall4949$29
2Jentry Chesnut5050$27
3Caleb Whittermore5151$24
3Zach Mullins5151$24
5Anthony Butts5353$19
5Brandon Morgado5353$19
5Josh Hudson5353$19
5Michael Macon5353$19
9Blake Habshey5454$13
9Francisco Sebastian5454$13
9Taylor Hulsey5454$13
12Jacob Bowsky5555$3
12Matthew Scoggins5555$3
14Alex Colvert5656
14Dalton Wade5656
14Ismael Vicente5656
17Brett Scoggins5757
17David Scoggins5757
19Aaron Smotherman5858
19Chase Garcia5858
19Joey Carton5858
19Zach McFarland5858
23Jacob Meredith6161
24Matt Barnett6464
25Jonathan Vincent-0
1Jesse Elders5353$31
2Ryan Weber5555$26
3Russell Meredith5656$25
4Anthony Cagle5757$20
4Isaiah Young5757$20
4Jeff Wetjen5757$20
7Colin Thompson5858$14
7David Beebe5858$14
9Cameron Burdette5959$11
10Brian Grubbs6060$2
10Jake Hester6060$2
10Jason Barksdale6060$2
10Warren Allworth6060$2
14Michael McGill6161
15Seth Zambrano6262
16Josh Prewitt6363
17Bobby Webb6464
17Brandon A Jaunarajs6464
17Logan Peters6464
17Nick Reid6464
21Shaw Sanford6767
1Brett Evans5151$28
2Chris Goodwin5353$24
3Adrian Young5757$19
4Sean Spiegelman6161$16
5Jason Cunningham6363$7
5Nick Herrera6363$7
5Trey Escue6363$7
8Robert Elliott6666
9Steve Besch6767
10Heath Olive6969
11Brian Ammons7070
12Mark Lowery7272
1Savannah Meredith6060$9
1Claire Burns7171$18
2Katelyn Elders7878
1Landon Besch7070$9
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