Iron Born

PDGA logoSaturday, March 17, 2018 at Iron Hill in Newark, Delaware
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

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Current Standings

PDGA results at
Round 1: Iron Hill - FPO, 18 holes, par 72
Round 2: Iron Hill - FPO, 18 holes, par 72
1Mike Moser6061
2Chris Villa6362
3Brian O'Neill6766
3Jason Til6469
5Vince S.6870
6Tyler Hogan7069
8Brandon Hauer7570
9Andy Slater7076
9Bradley Good7076
11Dave Humes7869
11Tim Reyes7671
13John Baird8070
14Wayne Zink--
Round 1: Iron Hill - FPO, 18 holes, par 72
Round 2: Iron Hill - FPO, 18 holes, par 72
1Matt Tipping7175
Round 1: Iron Hill - FPO, 18 holes, par 72
Round 2: Iron Hill - FPO, 18 holes, par 72
1Tim Kady6667
2Jeff Sweetman7368
3Bryan Smackingtrees McAlees7374
4Scott Archer7872
5Angelo Perrone7378
6Trevor B. Willey7878
7Jimi McIlvain8482
Round 1: Iron Hill - FPO, 18 holes, par 72
Round 2: Iron Hill - FPO, 18 holes, par 72
1Brian Sedlacek7069
2Raymond lavoie6971
3Sam Newman7273
4Joe Urbanski6977
5Bob Ward7176
5Gary Gioffre7275
7Brandon Koppenjan7474
7John Bell7375
7Johnny Carr7078
10Jonathan Harris7872
11Brian Williams7873
12Jay Jay7973
13Joe Ferrante7875
13Leo Lysakowski7578
13Rob Graf7974
16Nevin Woodland8271
17Eric DeMatt7579
18Gerard Smith7878
19Joel Pielacha7978
20Brian Cox8881
21Joseph Kelleher83-
Round 1: Iron Hill - FPO, 18 holes, par 72
Round 2: Iron Hill - FPO, 18 holes, par 72
1Jonathan Hawksford7174
2Rob Gearinger7678
3Bryan Plante7778
4Mike Watson7885
5Alex James8381
6George Brown8283
7Mark Heydt8284
8Michael Clements8483
9Terry Houser8385
10Dave Cox8386
10Mike Bierman8683
10Stan Kozlowski8584
13Michael Walsh8487
14Geoff Morris8687
14Steve V. Penton8984
16Gary Barnett9085
17Chris Troy8693
18Andy Lassiter9289
18Nathan Beiler8893
20Jon Johanson9191
21Cory Rowley9196
22Frank Summers9592
Round 1: Iron Hill - FPO, 18 holes, par 72
Round 2: Iron Hill - FPO, 18 holes, par 72
1Stephen Holroyd8885
2Albert Hall9792
Round 1: Iron Hill - FPO, 18 holes, par 72
Round 2: Iron Hill - FPO, 18 holes, par 72
1Danielle Clements9296
Round 1: Iron Hill - White tees (short) to short baskets, 18 holes, par 60
Round 2: Iron Hill - White tees (short) to short baskets, 18 holes, par 60
1Pete Kozlowski81-
2Phil Kozlowski87-
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