IronThrown Disc Golf Tour- Presented by DD Iron City - Event 3

PDGA logoSat-Sun, May 22-23, 2021 at Inverness Disc Golf Park in Hoover, Alabama
C-tier · PDGA-sanctioned singles tournament

IronThrown Disc Golf Tour- Presented by DD Iron City - Event 3 graphic


Assistant Tournament DirectorBen Swam
Tournament DirectorHudson McCurry

About this tournament

The third in a series of 7 Flex Start events on the #IronThrown Disc Golf Tour - Presented by Dynamic Discs Iron City!

Stop #3 - @ Inverness Disc Golf Course in Hoover, AL

1 Flex Start Round of 18 holes. See the Pictures section for divisional layouts.

The player cap will be 125 per event.

Rounds must be started between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm on Saturday 5/22/21 or Sunday 5/23/21. Minimum of 3 players, Maximum of 5 players, per card.

All PDGA rules will be in effect with the exception of the two-meter rule.

CTPs will be divisional and are optional. We will create an individual CTP for any division with 10 pre-registered players. Divisions that do not have 10 pre-registered players may be combined with other divisions for CTPs.

Ace Pot will be $5. If no Ace is hit during the round, it will push to the next Tour stop/event.

A portion of each player's entry will be carried forward to the series finale in September.

Points can be earned for playing the event and for finishing position in your division. All points from any tour stop carry forward to the finale. However, you must play at least 3 of the 7 events to qualify for overall winner trophies and prizes.

Once players select a division for the series, they must continue to play in that division for all events or forfeit points earned in previous events. Players will be allowed to play in the division that they initially qualified for, through the duration of the Tour.

Professional divisions will pay out cash at each event with $6 removed from each entry to carry $4 to the finale and $2 for PDGA fees.

Amateur divisions will receive a player pack voucher and will payout merchandise to the top finishing 50% of the field, by division, at each event through Dynamic Discs Iron City vouchers with $6 removed from each entry to carry $4 to the finale and $2 for PDGA fees. Vouchers for Amatuer payout and/or player packs can be combined and saved to use all at once if desired. Vouchers from the #IronThrown Disc Golf Tour must be redeemed by 10/1/21.

Points standings will be released after each Tour stop and will be posted at Dynamic Discs Iron City and on the #IronThrown Disc Golf Tour event page on Facebook.

Current point standings can be viewed here:

You may also sign up at the event with cash only while spots are available.

Future event dates:
June 18th (Friday) - Bicentennial Park - Pinson
July 24th - Magnolia Links - Gardendale
August 14th - Clay DGC - Clay
September 25th - Finale - Civitan

Refund policy

Dynamic Discs Iron City is responsible for all refunds/cancellations. All players may request a refund up until 3 days before each event.


Final Results

PDGA results at
Round 1: Inverness Disc Golf Park - Blue Tees - Mega Bowl Layout, 18 holes, par 60
1Michael W Davis6161$113
2James Blanchard6565$53
2Jasen White6565$53
2Tim Keith6565$53
5Nick Romano6666
6Bolan Bowsky7070
7Alex Turner7272
7Tim Foote7272
Round 1: Inverness Disc Golf Park - Blue Tees - Mega Bowl Layout, 18 holes, par 60
1Garrison Laduca6464$25
2Austin Mann6464$25
2Tyler Stephens6464$25
4Josh Griffin6565$14
5Tyler Traylor6666$11
6Chris Browning6969$8
7Clifford Smith7070
8David Dennis7171
9Alex Brown7373
9Jonathan Vincent7373
11Garrett Creamer7474
12Wil Cushman7777
Round 1: Inverness Disc Golf Park - Green Tees (Mixed) Mega Bowl Layout, 18 holes, par 57
1Jeff Wetjen5959$21
2Anthony Butts6060$14
3Leland Garrigan6464$10
4Jason Swam7070
5Jon Acton-0
Round 1: Inverness Disc Golf Park - Red Tees - Mega Bowl Layout, 18 holes, par 55
1Lawrence Hinkle5959$17
2Christopher L. Pereira6060$10
3John Howerton6363
Round 1: Inverness Disc Golf Park - Green Tees (Mixed) Mega Bowl Layout, 18 holes, par 57
1Brayden Blanton6161$26
2Jackie Miller6262$20
2Taylor Fitzgerald6262$20
4Cody Burney6464$11
4Cyrus Lingle6464$11
4Dylan DeTroye6464$11
7William Holt6565
8Justin Hancock6666
9Justin St.denny6767
10Jacob Freeman6868
11Kevin Shelton6969
Round 1: Inverness Disc Golf Park - Red Tees - Mega Bowl Layout, 18 holes, par 55
1Dalton Wade5151$27
2Austin Gates5353$21
2David Scoggins5353$21
2Justin Potts5353$21
2Justin Randall5353$21
2Travis Midkiff5353$21
7John Wesley Howerton5555$15
8Jacob Meredith5656$13
9Alan Hester5757$11
10Nolan Evans5858$9
11Cal Wilson5959$3
11Owen Roberts5959$3
11Taylor Hulsey5959$3
14Johnny Skelton6060
14Micah Roberson6060
16Jamison Spain6161
16Matthew Scoggins6161
18Alex Colvert6363
18Brent Scoggins6363
20Stephen Kennedy6767
21Aaron Smotherman109109
Round 1: Inverness Disc Golf Park - Red Tees - Mega Bowl Layout, 18 holes, par 55
1Ric Pevey5757$25
2Grant Etheredge5858$20
2James Welborn5858$20
4Michael W Sasser6060$14
4Tanner Dukes6060$14
6Blake Baker6161$6
7Andrew Roberson6262
8Paul Randall6666
9Anthony Davis6767
9Austin Hancock6767
11Michael Calhoun7171
1Christy Acton7373$9
Round 1: Inverness Disc Golf Park - Red Tees - Mega Bowl Layout, 18 holes, par 55
1Laura Midkiff6464$18
2Sydney Roberson6868
1Ashley Scoggins6262$18
2Tiffany Morrow6666
Round 1: Inverness Disc Golf Park - Red Tees - Mega Bowl Layout, 18 holes, par 55
1Carolyn Pevey6969$9
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