In case you missed the e-mail...
Mad Pelican Open Registrants,
Thank you for signing up for the 2nd Infinite Discs Mad Pelican Open at Lake Walcott State Park! We hope that you will be able to have fun and compete at a high-level. We can’t wait to see you at one of the most beautiful venues in Idaho! This e-mail will have a ton of information in it. So please take the time to read through it all so that you are not in the dark on anything. If there are any questions, please feel free to reply to this e-mail, post on Disc Golf Scene, text, call, or message me through social media. I am extremely accessible.
Thank you to our sponsors! Our title sponsor Infinite Discs has been killing it in disc golf for several years! Check out their website at and find the largest selection and newest products! Also, the Infinite Discs Tour who will be at the event Friday and Saturday. Dixie Trophy is helping with some pretty sweet trophies for 1st place in each division. Thank you to our hole sponsor Alan Whiting and to our player sponsors Austin Pettit, Brad Merzlock, Mike Robinson, Steven Page, John Armstrong, William Padilla, and Team Infinite member Cody Flynn! Very much appreciated!
Caddy Book
Please read through the overall course rules and the rules for each individual hole. For example, the caddy book will tell you that the concrete table areas are not out-of-bounds and you may receive casual relief from the concrete area underneath the tables. If you have any questions, please ask!
We have 42 holes to play in one day with a full field. We will not have lunch available at the course and town is 20-30 minutes away. Please bring a lunch so that we can try to stay as close to the schedule as possible. We will have water available for you!
Practice Rounds and Course Setup
We will be setting up the course layout on Thursday morning, June 17th. The tournament course layout will be available to practice at that point, both on Thursday and Friday. Even though there is a PDGA C-Tier flex start event on the course on Friday, THE COURSE WILL STILL BE OPEN TO PRACTICE ROUNDS!
Group Assignments
This is a shotgun start event, meaning all players will be assigned to a group, assigned a starting hole, and we will all begin play at the same time. The first round will begin at 10:00am. There will be a players meeting at 9:00am. The players meeting is recommended, but not mandatory. It will also be broadcast live on the Infinite Discs Tour page of Facebook.
Group assignments and hole assignments will be listed on at 10:00pm MST Thursday, June 17th. Because we have an uneven amount of players in each division, there will be mixed groups. Groups will be assigned randomly. Players will be grouped with their division as much as possible. Groups will be re-assigned for the final round according to their score.
We prefer to have all scoring done digitally. Please have a charged phone available for scoring as the PDGA Digital Scorecard will be the official scorecard for the event. We require two scorers per group and would prefer the second scorer to use the Mad Pelican Open scorecard through UDisc. If that is not possible, we will have paper scorecards as backup for the second scorecard.
For scorers, you will need to go to to setup your groups scores.
The access code is: pelican
Check-In And Players Packs
You can check-in either Friday, June 18th from 9:00am – 6:00pm or Saturday, June 19th, from 7:00am – 9:00am. Any player who hasn’t checked in by 9:00am on June 19th will be removed from registration. Pro players only need to check-in and verify their payout information. Am players will receive their choice of tournament stamped disc and custom windbreaker in the size they indicated at registration. I can tell you there will be unique colors combinations that will be available first come first served!
Lake Walcott State Park And Camping
There is a fee to enter Lake Walcott State Park. It is $7.00 per vehicle unless you already have an annual pass or a camping reservation. Any player who neglects to pay this fee will be disqualified from the event immediately and without a refund. I believe that camping spots are already full, but you can find all that info at Lake Walcott has been an amazing venue and supporter of disc golf for over 25 years. Please follow the rules and thank the staff while you are there. THANK YOU LAKE WALCOTT!
Infinite Discs Tour
The Infinite Discs Tour will be on-site all day Friday and Saturday. We will be bringing up our entire stock of 3000+ discs from about 30 manufacturers. Also, bags, carts, and other accessories! Come by and check us out. We will have a new stock of Discraft and Heimburg Halo Destroyers. Hopefully MVP will get their shipment to us by then. All amateur division payouts will be paid out through Infinite Discs. We prefer that you use them at the Infinite Discs Tour store.
Other Fun Stuff!
On Friday, May 14th, we will also be holding the Infinite Discs Tour Flex Start Challenge C-Tier event. This gives you an opportunity to come and get another rated round before the event. The course is not closed to casual players at this time either. So, feel free to participate in the C-Tier or come and practice the course how you want. If you are playing the Flex Start, you can start your round anytime between 9:00am – 6:00pm. You do not need to be pre-registered to play. You can pay day of. Although, if you would like to register now, you can do so at this link.
There is a $5 ace pot going on during the event. You can pay to enter the ace pot anytime before an ace is hit. If there are multiple aces, we will split the money up evenly between the winners. If there is no ace hit, we will have a CTP after the awards and the closest 3 discs will split the ace pot.
We have 5 Cash CTP’s during the event on holes 3,8,10,13,and 18. You need to pay in to be eligible to win cash on a cash CTP. If you haven’t already done so, you can pay anytime before the 1st round.
We will also be raffling off an OLD GLORY ZUCA CART and a LATITUDE 64 LUXURY BAG, among other things after the awards ceremony. You can buy raffle tickets anytime on Friday or Saturday.
Whew! I think that’s it! Please let me know If you have any questions! See you next week!