Inaugural Halpatiokee Blackwater Battle

PDGA XC-tier

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Hosted by Mark Janssen


C. Jones Chuck Jones RAD
J. Bailey Jimmy Bailey RAD
D. Hillard Devin Hillard RAE
B. LaPorte Brian LaPorte RAF
L. Besok Lizbeth Besok RAG


  • Sun
    Sep 30

    10:00am - 2:00pm

    Check-in and Registration opens.
    Day of registrations accepted on a cash only basis. $20 for active PDGA members and $30 for non-active PDGA members.

    10:00am - 2:00pm

    Flex start - create your own card with 3-5 players or be carded with someone new.


RPA Gold [rating 970+] $20
RAH Blue [rating <970] $20
RAD White [rating <935] $20
RAE Red [rating <900] $20
RAF Green [rating <850] $20
RAG Purple [rating <800] $20

About this tournament

The Inaugural Blackwater Battle at Halpatiokee Regional Park will be a ratings based single round flex-start event of 20 holes - twice around the layout. This event serves as the official grand opening of the first disc golf course in Martin County, FL.
As a ratings based event, players are placed into divisions by player rating with no regard to age, sex or pro/am status. Players must check-in and start the round from 10 am through 2 pm. Players can create thier cards of three to five people or just show up and get carded up with someone new.
Day of registration will be accepted on a cash only basis.

Pad Assignments:
RPA Gold [rating 970+] Blue/Blue
RAH Blue [rating <970] Blue/Blue
RAD White [rating <935] Red/Blue
RAE Red [rating <900] Red/Red
RAF Green [rating <850] Red/Red
RAG Purple [rating <800] Red/Red

Payout: There will be no payout for the event. First 60 players will receive one limited edition commemorative disc. Pre-registrations secure disc availability. Winners in each division will receive a first place certificate.

Ace Fund: Optional ace fund is $5. Payment will be made after the event via PayPal to the registration email. If fund is not hit, random computer draw will award a single winner.

Refund policy

Mark Janssen is responsible for all refunds/cancelations. Refund and withdrawal requests will only be accepted via email to: [email redacted]