Impromptu Glow at PMill
About this tournament
Impromptu Glow Tourney
$10 a person with $3 to food, $1 to glow supplies, $1 to course, and $5 to payouts.
One round of blues starting around 7:15 followed up by a glow round of mixed tees.
All participants will be split into A and B pools after the first round.
Looking for CTP and LP donations.
Glow round layout- will be printed on scorecards and markets with glow sticks.
1- red
2- red with a practice basket in normal position
3- blue
4- blue
5- red
6- blue
7- on top of hill
8- red
9- red
10- in bowl dogleg left
11- blue
12- red
13- red
14- red
15- red
16- red
17- red
18- blue
$10 a person with $3 to food, $1 to glow supplies, $1 to course, and $5 to payouts.
One round of blues starting around 7:15 followed up by a glow round of mixed tees.
All participants will be split into A and B pools after the first round.
Looking for CTP and LP donations.
Glow round layout- will be printed on scorecards and markets with glow sticks.
1- red
2- red with a practice basket in normal position
3- blue
4- blue
5- red
6- blue
7- on top of hill
8- red
9- red
10- in bowl dogleg left
11- blue
12- red
13- red
14- red
15- red
16- red
17- red
18- blue